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"Come ooonn! Tell me!" Will kept pleading. I was helping him in the infirmary and he had guessed that I was in love and was asking who it was.

"Nope" I didn't want to tell him, I wanted him to figure it out without help. Since the Giant war, Will had grown quite close to me. We were the best of friends, able to tell each other almost anything, and by almost I mean everthing except who we were in love with.

"Please?" He did his puppy- dog-pleading face that he so blatantly knew I couldn't say no to.

"Fiiiine" I looked away and rolled my eyes... great way to be subtle... "but I wont tell you until after dinner, and you have to come to my cabin, or else no deal."

"It's a done deal" His southern accent got hevier as it ussually did when he got exited.

"Ok." The dinner bell sounded and he practically ran to get dinner over with.

**Time Lapse to Nico's cabin*********************

We entered the dark cabin and I closed and locked (as discreetly as possible) the door behind us. Will sat on the edge of my bed as I went to light the fire pit in the center of the massive room.

"So tell meeeeee" he began to beg once again as I sat beside him.

"Ok, ok. I wanted you to figure this out youself without any help to see how long it took, but you are on my last nerve William." I began, he frowed making him look more adorable than ever.

"Wha-" His workds were cut off by my lips.


Sorry for the short chapter but yeah... cliff hanger ❤

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Rick Rodrian does. They are apart of the PJO and HOO. series.

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