"Hey, why was she sleeping in your room last night?"

"We usually sleep together when she has a problem or if she is sad. Vice versa." Shisui's eyes enlarged.

"Ohhhh, shi-"



"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked his estranged cousin.

"Itachi thought that you and Sakura were sleeping together. Like, you two were together." Sasuke choked on the tomato he was nibbling on.

"Ew!!! Hell no!!" Sasuke yelled. Itachi had completely destroyed the training field. It was left unrecognizable, not even a ninja could tell it had been a training field. His eyes were pounding with pain. He walked to the liquor store and bought three six pack beers. He popped the cap on one bottle and chugged it as he traipsed home. By the time he reached his house, he had drunk three bottles. He had a high tolerance for alcohol and rarely got drunk, but today, he really wanted to. He opened the door, not bothering to acknoweledge his mother in kitchen, and headed straight to his room. Shisui poked his head into Itachi's room while he drank his sixth beer.

"Itachi?" Itachi flipped him off.

"Go away."

"Are you...drinking?"

"Obviously." He opened his seventh bottle. He was beginning to feel a little tipsy. Shisui sighed and entered his room.

"You shouldn't drink." Itachi threw his empty bottle at his older cousin.

"Fuck off."


"Either leave or drink with me." Shisui sighed again before picking up a can.

"Sakura was sad last night." Itachi finished his can and picked up his eighth beer.

"So she went slutting with Sasuke." Shisui slapped Itachi's face, knocking his beer down in the process. Itachi growled and threw Shisui against the wall and held him by the throat. Shisui punched Itachi's nose. Itachi released him and held his bleeding nose. He grunted as he picked up another beer.

"She stays with Sasuke when she has a problem."

"Hn." Itachi chugged the beer. The liquid burned his throat and he could feel that he was becoming drunk. Finally.

"What happened last night?"

"We went star gazing and we talked." He threw his beer on the wall and lifted another one. He ripped the cap off and placed in on his lips. "I asked her to help me with my eyes." Shisui was on his four beer. He had a low tolerance for alcohol and could only drink five beers before getting drunk.

"I take it you wanted to ask her out?"

"Yeah but I didn't be-hic-cause I freaked out." Itachi was defintely drunk. As he reached another beer, Shisui grabbed his hand.

"No more beer for you." Itachi yanked his hand from Shisui.

"Hn. I can-hic-do whatever I-hic-fucking want to. Hic. You're not my mom." Itachi slurred. Sakura poked her head into the room.

"I heard banging. Hey, is that beer?"

"Sakura-hic-how's it going." Itachi slurred as he waved.

"He's drunk." Shisui gestured at Itachi.

"And I need to get drunk too." Sakura stole the rest of the beer and locked herself in her room. Shisui stared in shock. Sakura had taken all the beer and ran off in one second. At least she left him his beer. He knocked on Sakura's bedroom door.

"Are you even old enough."

"Fuck off, I need this." She yelled as she downed her fourth beer. She was already tipsy and staggered towards the door.

"You guys shouldn't drink to solve your problems." Sasuke was walking by and saw Itachi dancing.

"Why is Itachi dancing?" He asked Shisui.

"Sakura and Itachi are drinking away their problems." Itachi staggered towards Sasuke and slung his arm around Sasuke's neck.

"Hey little-hic-bro. Fine day-hic-to drink."

"Sakura, don't you drink!!" Sasuke yelled.

"Fuck-hic-off emo boy. Hic. I'll do whatever-hic-I fucking want." Sakura slurred as she yelled. She opened the door and grabbed Itachi from Sasuke. "I'm-hic-borrowing him." She slammed and locked the door.

"Should we break the door down?" Sasuke suggested.

"No, leave them alone." They walked away and began to play video games in Itachi's room.

"So-hic-Itachi. What's happening?"

"You're really pretty-hic-Sakura. I like you-hic-a lot."

"Hehe-hic-thank you Itachi. You're-hic-so hot." Sakura sloppily kissed him, initiating a heavy make-out session. Itachi pulled away.

"We shouldn't-hic-do this. What-hic-if you don't like-hic-it?" Sakura ignored his comment and continued her kisses.They had pulled of their clothes and were heavily kissing before they passed out. Sasuke and Shisui unlocked the door.

"Shit!" Shisui cursed. Sasuke glared at him.

"Shisui!!! This is your fault!" Shisui threw blankets ontop of them and ran before Sasuke could murder him.

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