Chapter 8 - Trust

Start from the beginning


"Nearly did..." He growled, tensing, and I could see he was tempted to get out of the car right then and there. "He nearly bit you."

"Stay put." I held him down now, my own fear fading a little as I tried to comfort him, though I wasn't entirely sure why the bite upset him more than anything else. Hands stroked up and down his arms, along his chest, I could feel his heart hammering away, his face white with rage. "It's not that bad."

"It could have been." Nick relaxed, slowly, but it was only when I directed his head gently in my direction and caught his gaze that he finally relaxed, panic fading from his face. He reached up to cup my face in return, kissing me gently, so tenderly that I forgot my fear, forgot everything except that I was with someone who cared about me. "That's the last time I leave you alone in a park."


Nick's hand returned to between my thighs, higher now, tugging his shirt off with his free arm. I wasn't sure what he was up to until he'd grabbed a stale bottle of water from the floor, holding me carefully, as he lifted it up, and gently tipped water onto his shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting his saliva off you." Nick started to wipe the bite, slowly, carefully, getting every last part of it. As he worked, fingers traced up higher, till they were exploring the edges of my panties, making my breathing get a little bit faster again. "All gone. Now. I've got to make sure you feel good all over again. Stupid mutts."

He threw it aside and kissed the spot, teeth grasping across it, and I inhaled sharply when Nick's fingers grabbed the undies and yanked at them, tugging my hips forward with them, the back of his knuckles brushing the heated skin there. He grinned, continuing to pull even as I couldn't move, the edges of it digging into my hips and thighs and I felt the fabric finally give.

"Not here." I reminded him, and he nodded, reaching down to tug at one side of them, tearing again, then at the other side, until they were falling off me in two pieces.

"Just getting you ready all over again." He informed me, lifting me up so he could tug it away, stuffing it into his pocket. Nick reached up to cup my head, holding me still with the other, and I felt his fingertips stroke my thighs slowly.  His other hand stroked my hot cheeks, lips against mine, and I shut my eyes when they pressed in a little bit more. "Just ...curious."

"It's not different to any others..."

"They're all different." He informed me, fingers sliding to the outside of my thighs, running up the bare skin. My eyes flew open to see his warm brown eyes still fixed on me, a little grin on his face. "Oh, you like that. Don't you?" 

"Come here." Nick's hand's sank onto my waist, holding me there, kissing me so hard that I panted when he let me go, clearly the rage from before gone as he took his time making me feel every bit as hot as I had when he'd left me in the park, hips driving up into the bare skin there, fabric rubbing.

A thump on the car made us both jump, after some time, I wasn't quite sure how much. Clayton shook his head at us through the window.

"Some lookout you two are. Where is the hotel? I'm driving."

Nick gave him the address, tugging the seatbelt around us both, and when it didn't reach he scowled and held me there. "Don't move."

"I really should wear a seat belt." I muttered.

"Don't move." Arms tightened harder.

"Don't start anything back there, Nick, or I kick you both out." Clayton warned from the front.

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