Chapter 26: The ball (part one)

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Chapter 26: The ball (part one)


It was the next morning. The day of the ball. Me, skylar and Mia were getting fitted in our gowns for night event. We wanted everything to be perfect. We decided to add some few details to our dresses. Oh we also decided to wear masks, let just say the ball is a masquerade which it makes it more exciting. The girls were excited to dance with their love ones. They haven't non-stopped talking about. It doesn't bother me whatsoever. I'm actually happy that they found someone to make them happy. I'm not saying I'm not happy with Aiden. I'm happy I'm with him, and feel grateful that he wants me protected.

Me and Aiden haven't spoken since yesterday, evening. He did try to speak to me but I just waved at him and walked away. I know, I was going overboard but he was going overboard with the protection. I know he doesn't want to lose me and he will never lose me. Last night he ended up in the guest room. I, well kicked him out the room. I ended up sleeping horribly last night. I didn't have any bad dreams, thanks The Lord. But I did felt someone was watching me. No one knows about it but myself. I really don't want to worry anyone.

I did tried looking for Aiden, this morning but he was either hunting or in his private office. Yea I notice he has two office in this kingdom. One for an open meeting and the other a private meeting. It feel like he trying to avoid me. I know he angry with me for what I had done. I wanted to apologize but I guess I'll see him later in the ball. No one question our fight. They clearly know me and Aiden are still not talking.

Beside all this. I have been anxious this whole entire morning about meeting my father for the first time in many years. My thoughts were all over my head. Going around and around. Will my dad be happy to see me? How will my mom react to all this? Oh that right, I forgot to mention my mom, Mark and Charlie is coming to the ball. I'm quite nervous about everything. I just hope things end up perfectly well.

"So when you and Aiden are gonna speak. I swear I never seen my cousin this depress before." Mia spoke as she interrupted me from my thoughts. He was depress maybe I should talk to him and settle things before the ball.

"I was actually gonna speak to him this morning but he was either hunting or his private office" I sighed as I took out the dress and put on a robe. My dress has finally been done and ready for tonight.

"Ahh that office. He's always in that silly office trying to hide himself from the whole entire world. Start getting use to it cause you will be mostly seeing him in the office." Mia scowled. I shook my head.

"Go speak to him Scar before it to late" skylar suggested me. I nodded as I waved goodbye to them. I really need to speak to Aiden.

Now where do I find Aiden. I wonder if I can track him?, I thought. Mmm maybe I can. I grabbed the nearest passion. I thought of Aiden face, smell, and his tasty blood. I saw his shirt floating, I can't believe it actually working. I gladly followed the shirt as it lead me to Aiden. The shirt was taking me far from the kingdom. The halls were getting deeper and darker. Why would Aiden keep is office way far from the kingdom. The shirt turn left and stopped at a big brown wooden door. I grabbed the shirt and lightly knocked at the door.

I didn't hear him say come in or anything, I twisted the door knob. And slowly open the door. I peeked a little to find no one. I push the door wider and welcome myself in. The office was just any ordinary office. He had shelfs build with books. Statue, and furthermore. I saw papers all over his desk. He has been working way to hard. I wish I could help. All of the papers were victor files. This place wasn't short-of creepy but why put an private office far away from the kingdom. I heard snoring coming in the couch. I turn around to see Aiden sleeping in he couch. He must have been up all night. As he been hunting as well? Did he even hunt. Oh my beautiful man. I walked up to him and kneel to meet his level.

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