Cloddy Store

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Supposed to be Candy Store, but what the heck. I love humor.

Connie's last name is Maheswaran.

Try to sing the song.

requested by amxthystSU


"Dear Diary," Peridot whispers under her breath as she types in her tablet. "It's been three weeks since I've became friends with the Pearls!"

After her transformation from a nobody to a popular kid, Peridot was happy ever since. She can't deny the fact that she's loving this feeling to be one of the Pearls.

Peridot cackles, before the bell rings. She closes her tablet, failing to notice her friend. "Hey, Peridot!"

"Ah!" She jumps. "Connie, don't scare me!"

"Sorry!" Connie rubs the back of her neck. "But, I gotta say, you really do look beautiful these days."

"Aw, thank you," Peridot smiles, but then she frowns. "I-I'm really sorry if I didn't come last night, I just had a lot going onー"

"I get that!" She grins. "You're with the Pearls now. That's exciting!" They both laugh.

Peridot rolls her eyes. "Whatever, but whatー"

"Peridot!" Yellow Pearl cuts her off. "Pearl wants to talk to you!"

"Okay, okay."

"Peridot," Pearl approaches her as soon as they arrived. "I need a forgery on Steven Universe's handwriting." Peridot gets a note and a paper. "You need something to write on, Yellow, bend over."

Yellow Pearl did what she is told, as Peridot quickly places the notebook on her back.

"You have to write what I say," Pearl instructs. ""Hello, beautiful, I am watching you and thinking about you all the time. I hope you could come to my homecoming party this weekend. Miss you, Steven.""  She even gasps. "Put an XO after the signature."

Peridot wrote all what she said. 

Pearl chuckles. "I just found out that Steven used to hangout with Connie Baloney."

"Yeah, in kindergarten, we all did," Peridot replies.

"Oh, that's right," Blue Pearl quietly says. "I remembered Steven kissed Connie Baloney. It was disgusting!"

"Oh, Steven!" Pearl calls after she sees both Steven and Amethyst in the hallway of Beach City High School. "Would you be a sweetie and give this note to Connie Baloney for me?" She asks sweetly as sugar. "Don't read it, okay?"

But before Steven and Amethyst could leave, Peridot snatches it first, after she realized what she have done. "What are you doing? Please don't do this. Connie's my friend."

"Oh, come on! Like you don't wanna trick her and just hang out with us!" Yellow Pearl comments.

"Shut up, Yellow!"

"Sorry, Pearl."

Peridot shakes her head. "Connie doesn't have a thing for Steven for like- 12 years now, this-this thingー"

"Are we gonna have a problem here?" Pearl raises one of her eyebrows. "You have a bone to pick? You've come so far, why now, are you seriously gonna ruin this?" She steps closer. "I'd normally slap your face off, and everyone here could watch! But, sadly, I'm feeling nice, so here's some advice. Listen up, you clod!"

Peridot furrows her eyebrows. What is she talking about?

"I like looking hot, buying stuff they cannot." Pearl remarks. "I like drinking hard, maxing Garnet's credit card. I like fighting skills, scaring Lars, screwing things. I like killer swords, kicking Jasper in the nose!" She kicks up high as if proving her point. "If you lack the balls, you can go play dolls, let your mommy fix you a snack! Or you could smoke, have some rum and coke, in my warp pad with the Quarterback! Peri, what're you waiting for?" Pearl push her back. "Welcome to my Cloddy Store! Time for you to prove you're not a loser any more!"

Yellow Pearl then spins Peridot around, "Gems fall at your feet, pay the check!"

"Help you cheat," Blue continues.

"All you have to beー"

"Is say goodbye to Connie." Pearl finishes. Peridot looks into the note she forged. Is this really worth a try? Would she risk everything?

"That freak's not your friend, I can tell in the end."

"If she had your shot, she would leave you to rot, Peridot!" Yellow Pearl snatches back the note and quickly gives it to Connie, who just closed her locker. Connie was confused, yet she opens the paper.

"Of course, if you don't care, fine! Go style her hair, maybe Gravity Falls is on! Or, you could just forget that creep!"

"You just have to prove you're not an idiot anymore!"

All of their whispers, swirling all around Peridot's head. She suddenly stumbles forward, luckily someone was there to catch her.

She looks up, and sees her best friend. "Peridot, look! Steven invited me in his homecoming party!" Connie nudges her. "See, I told you there was still something there! This proves he's been thinking about me!"

Peridot looks behind her to see the smug written across the Pearls faces. She hesitantly replies, "Color me stoked!"

"I'm so happy!" Connie runs away, the note in her hands. Peridot tries to catch up, but she's far away.

Yellow Pearl comes upfront. "Peri, what're you waiting foー"


Glad they're done. Atleast they passed the note.

But the guilt still sat on Peridot's shoulders.

finished in one sitting!

gosh. Hope you like it, Vicky! Hope you all like it as well! >3<




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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