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The sun was setting. The field was trashed. A chill began to enter the air. The coolers were empty. The sky grew darker. The equipment was stored away. Everyone was already gone, except for two, and that only meant one thing: happy hour.

Best buds Wes and Rhys made their way back in the locker room after the most gut-wrenching, brutal scrimmage their group of bros had since first starting their minor league. Along with the increased roughhousing, this time was different. Rather than playing doctor or referee on the sidelines, Wes played in the game... and crushed it. However, rather than immediately going to celebrate like Rhys wanted, Wes wanted to delay that with a quick wash to his chagrin. Rhys left defeated, off to scout for gym bunnies to pass the time, leaving Wes alone with his own filth.

"Ugh, damn. Look at me," he said upon sight of himself.

Upon removal of his top, Wes could see the mud from his skids across the ground encrusted through his shirt onto his skin. His body hair was already matted from sweat, but the dirt added to the mess, getting entangled in it. He attempted shaking some of the gunk off but to little avail. Clumps fell onto the carpet below, but their discolorations and scents had already sunken themselves into him on top of being itchy on his outer layer. Realizing this and getting even more disgusted with himself, he wasted no more time wallowing in his nastiness, throwing his bottoms and shoes off and heading to a shower stall in a haste.

The flow of water on his skin brought immediate relief on contact, even though it hadn't broken or loosened any of the muck yet. Wes was just happy for the inevitable sanitation it would bring him, allowing himself to absorb the heat emanating onto him in bliss. He would've stayed there and soaked for longer if the words of his overzealous friend didn't echo in his head, rushing his relaxation. Thus, he angled the shower faucet toward a side wall, reached for his soap bar, and began to bathe with it, spreading fragrant bubbles all over his skin.

Lathering himself brought more rejuvenation as Wes felt himself become lighter in physical and mental weight. In the moment, he didn't care of the suds running into his facial crevices, but they became more of a nuisance as time went on, and so, they eventually had to come out. However, with his newly gained clarity, Wes found more than just cleanliness on his person.

"The fuck?" he remarked, catching something small move by the back wall. He cautiously approached the speck of a shadow under and out of the way of the shower spritz arc, not wanting to spook it toward him if it was an insect from outside or a drain somewhere. However, his disregard for it quickly dissipated once he noticed it was bipedal, just like him, giving him a good idea of its actual identity. "Oh, what do we have here?"

Wes was too far to see any defining features, and he wasn't willing to put his limbs on the ground to lurch closer – he may have been in a shower, but he had no idea of how recently it had been sanitized, especially if it was attracting pests – but he could make out the body silhouette of an anything-but-colossal creature trembling with their back to the wall. That was enough for him to tell they were in fear, but what to do about it was a greater concern.

"You," he started, "are not supposed to be in here... or anywhere like this, really." The minute figure – no larger than the pad of his thumb, from the looks of it – froze at the comment as if acknowledging its truth and not knowing how else to react. Wes saw this and looked for any source of where it came from or where it could go. "Where did you come from?"

The wall had no sizeable cracks, at least ones he could see, and the only other way out aside from the drain itself or falling from the sky was dangerously going past him into either other stalls or into the even more treacherous locker room hallway.

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