"I'm excited about the trip, yeah. Lord knows I need it. And as far as my last name goes, I don't know. I never really thought about it, really." I shrugged before sipping my drink. "Never thought about it and you're about to be engaged?" I spit out my water. "Ew!" Mel whined as she used her napkin to wipe the water off her arm and face. "I'm sorry!" I said trying to help her as Ashley and Kaya cackled.

"I'm good." Mel laughed as I dabbed her face. "I'm sorry." I apologized again. "Relax Mrs. Brown." She taunted. I rolled my eyes and they only laughed. "He's gonna propose?" I asked myself more than anyone else.

This shit was really making me nervous right now. I'd be lying if I said I never thought about Chris and I getting married. Hell, I had dreams about it. I thought about what my dress would look like, what Chris would look like at the alter, would he cry? I thought about what my bridesmaids' dresses would look like and what Chris' groomsmen would look like strolling down the aisle.

But, for some reason, I never thought about how I would get proposed to. I had seen millions of proposal videos that were the cutest things ever, but I never thought about what mine would be like. Considering Chris was so creative, I knew it had to be something elaborate.

I couldn't hide the grin on my face as I thought about it. Would he do it on plane on the way? Or on the way back? Would he do it when they got to our destination or right before they left the house? Oh God, I needed to calm down.

"So, wait." Kaya halted. "Why did he only tell you about this? Light Bright thought we were gonna snitch?" "Right?" Ashley added. "I could have helped picking the ring out, I have good taste." She continued. "Well..." Mel started. "He didn't really say anything to me?" She said shyly.


"Waitttttt! So, if he didn't tell you, how do you know?" Kaya asked for the both of us. I needed some clarification because I was beyond confused. "Um.." She started. "I was just saying." She finished. Mikaya let out the ugliest cackle! I could only roll my eyes and look around for the waiter. I was so tempted to order two shots of patron.

"Nah but, come on y'all! They just had their third anniversary. He's taking her on vacation to some tropical island! Hello!" Mel sang. "Girl, you shouldn't have told her he was gonna actually do it then. Now my baby looks like a sad ass puppy." Ashley pouted.

They continued to discuss me like I wasn't sitting there and I just continued stuffing my face. No lie, the small cloud I was sitting on a few minutes ago, now turned dark and was now raining on my parade. These cheese fries really had me really a little better though.

"Let's just change the subject." Kaya suggested. "How's work?" She asked. "Good." I shrugged. "Mhm, I bet. Working with Mr. Darryl every other day would have work feeling real good for me too, honey." She countered. "Oh, here we go." I laughed.

Daryl Johnson was a photographer that I had been working with for my last few projects. I'll be the first to admit the man.. Oh lord, he's gorgeous. From his skin, to his perfect teeth, to his muscles- The Lord took his precious time with him. I let my friends join me on one of my sets and they met him, and ever since they can't shut up about him.

I would say we didn't have moments of brief flirtation, but I'd be lying. He'd compliment me every chance he got, and at first I wasn't even paying him any attention. But, after a while, I was really appreciating the attention. I even had lunch with him the other day, but it was strictly on a friendship level.

I wasn't stupid and I knew what I was doing. I also loved my boyfriend and would never do anything to hurt him, considering I was already on the other side of that before.

Fan of a Fan 2 (A Chris Brown Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ