Chapter VI

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For a while, they were quiet.  The atmosphere was very strange now.  I can't tell how she's taking this.... He couldn't read the girl's expression.  But, it was strange for him, too.  He had never really carried on a conversation with a human before, let alone told a human what he was.
Technically, that was against vampiric law.
What in the world would the other nobles do if they found out?
He cringed at the thought.
The girl's voice quickly snapped him back to reality.
"What were you doing last night?"
He looked at her, confused.  "What do you mean?"
"Like, why were you hurt?  Wounds like that aren't something that just happens."
Oh.  That.
"I already told you I'm a vampire.  On top of that, I'm a noble, and a rather high up one at that." He sighed.  "The nobles are the rulers of the vampires, each the head of their own sector in our realm.  No one vampire rules the realm as a whole.  But, one noble a while back wanted just that: to rule the entire realm. But then, he vanished.  And turned up last night, almost a century later. 
"He fought against us, and fought hard.  The other two with me were so badly wounded they had to be placed into an eternal sleep.  I was lucky to get away like I did."
And to think I'm supposed to be one of the three most powerful vampires in the realm....
The girl looked shocked.  "They were hurt worse than you?"
He chuckled a bit.  "Yeah.  Hard to believe, isn't it?"
She nodded.  "After seeing that gaping hole in your chest...."
"Um, about that..." he said.  "That was kind of my doing."
Her eyes widened.  "You mean you did that to yourself?  Why?!"
"Well, you see, when a vampire is close to death, there are a few things they can do, but there's one way that's only to be used as a last resort."
"Why is that?"
"Well, each one has a downside, but this one is the most drastic.  Worst of all, what you do cannot be reversed."
She puzzled with this for a bit.  "But if it's what's keeping you alive, why would you want to reverse it?"
"That's where it gets complicated."

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