Chapter 11

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It was 3:57 when I entered Monet's and I saw Brad, already sat down at a table. I sighed, before taking the seat in front of him. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked, wanting to get it over with. "Can't we just chat a little bit, before getting all business like." Brad said, with a smile. "I'd rather not." I said, crossing my arms. "Oh come on, I even got you your favorite." He said, scooting the cup of coffee towards me. "I'm not really in the mood for coffee." I lied, pushing the cup back to him. "Just tell me why you wanted to talk to me." I said, impatiently. Brad huffed before saying, "Well, I was hoping that we could try to talk about why we had broken up. I don't have any closure and I just really really miss you." He said, reaching his hand out to my arm. I quickly move my arm away from him, and he sighs. "Tony, what did I do wrong?"

"Well for starters, you were crazy jealous. A guy could be a foot away from me and you'd tell him to back off or make us leave. It was ridiculous! And at times you would say drink. You told me you had quit for good, but that's obviously not true. And you never really listened to anything I wanted to do. You never asked me if something was okay or not. If you liked it or were enjoying it in any kind of way, you didn't care about what I thought. It's as if my opinion didn't matter to you. It's as if I didn't matter to you..." I said trailing off, a tear trailing down the side of my cheek. "But I do care about you." He said, leaning closer. "No, you don't. All you care about is yourself. You just don't like the idea of not always having someone around for you." I said, anger building up inside me. "You just can't seem to handle being single for the first time, because you've always had boyfriend after boyfriend. Don't think I forgot that we started going out when you already had a boyfriend. I can't believe I actually stayed with you, while knowing that. You broke that guy's heart, fully knowing what you were doing. But what you didn't know is that you broke mine in the process!" I yelled. The coffee shop had turned silent and all eyes were on me. But I didn't care, I needed Brad to hear this. I had originally broken up with him over the phone and immediately ended the call right after, too scared of confrontation. But this time I wasn't scared and I needed to know that Brad knew how I felt.

Brad looked at me, his mouth open, and tears streaming down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry Tony. I didn't know." He said, in a hushed tone. I was taken aback at his response. I had thought he would fight back or storm out, but instead he sat still, his head down. "I know I can't do anything to make you mine again. But can we be friends? Or at least talk to each other every once in a while." He said, sniffling. I could tell he was really sorry and sighed. "Alright fine. But I'm not gonna give you any second chances... So don't fuck up." I said, patting his arm. "I won't." He said. "Hey, why don't you walk me to my car?" I said. "Yeah, ok." He said, getting up.

I had to admit, it was nice to know that we would at least be friends. Brad wasn't the best boyfriend, but he was a hell of a friend when I had first met him.

I had parked a few blocks down from Monet's, and while we were walking I heard "Tony?" I looked up to see Clay.

I had walked out of Monet's so fast that while I was walking home, I didn't even realize that I had left my bike chained to the tree. I decided to quickly walk back and get my bike. While I was unchaining my bike, I noticed Tony. He was with Brad. They were both smiling as they walked down the street. I couldn't believe it, Brad was right. Had they actually gotten back together? On instinct I call out, "Tony?" He takes notice of me and is shocked. He just stared at me, probably not knowing what to say. I couldn't believe he lied to me. I clenched my jaw and glared at him. "Clay..." he said taking a step forward. "No, Tony. I already know what you're gonna say. You're gonna say 'I can explain' but I don't want to hear any of that bullshit." Tony looked at me, hurt. "Clay, please." He said, walking towards me. "On the last day of junior year, you told me you would never lie to me, no matter how big or small!" I practically yelled. "I know. I know. And that's my fault. And I get that your hurt, but please just listen to me." He said. He was now standing directly in front of me. But I couldn't even look at him. He could've lied to me so many other times, without me even knowing. The thought of that had tears me holding back tears. "Clay. If you just listen you'll get that you're overreacting." He said. And that's when I lost it.

"Overreacting?! You think I'm overreacting? Tony you broke a promise! The one person I thought that would never break his promises! Do you know how much I trust you?! Do you get how much I care about you?! Do you understand how much I love you?!" I yelled, tears pouring across my face. "Tony, don't you ever say I'm overreacting about something like this. Not you." I sobbed, my mouth quivering.

Tony was crying too, at this point. "Clay, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm such an ass! I am so so sorry. I will say I'm sorry to you a thousand times, if I have to." He said, coming closer. But I pushed him away and grabbed my bike. I couldn't handle this right now.

I rode my bike as fast as I could, tears still streaming down my face. I could hear Tony yelling my name as I went, but I couldn't get myself to turn back around. I kept pedaling until I reached my house. I practically threw my bike and ran up to my room, where I spent the rest of the day.

I was on the ground, sobbing, as I called his name. But he rode away on his bike, without even looking back. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Tony, I know I shouldn't be saying anything but I'm really sorry. And I just—" I pulled him down next to me and hugged him. He was rigid at first, but then held me close. "It'll be okay." He whispered. "But I don't think it will." I murmured.

Aughhh!! I'm getting so emotional just writing these! Like honestly my heart is just so alqbgkixapi right now.

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