Chapter 5

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"No, it can't be." I thought. "We're just hanging out, like we usually do." I reassure myself. I didn't want to have any false hope that Clay and I would ever be a thing. I sighed and decided that I should just focus on the idea of us being friends.

I found a place to park and exited the car. I noticed Clay was in the ticket booth and I walked up to him, happily. "Well don't you look adorable in that uniform. You have a bow tie and everything!" I tease. He rolls his eyes at me, but continues to smile. "Ok, so what are some good movies at the moment?" I ask leaning on the counter of the booth. "Well they're playing this one old black and white movie. I don't know it seems pretty interesting and I've heard some of the people coming out of the theatre saying it was good." He said. "That sounds cool." I say, nodding in approval. "Here's your ticket." He says, handing it to me. I thankfully take it and take out my wallet to pay for the ticket. "No, Tony it's okay. You don't have to pay me, if you did then I'm not really sneaking you in, am I?" He says refusing to take my money. "Just use that to buy some popcorn and a drink or something." He said. I sigh as I put my wallet away and look back up at him. "My shift should end in about 5 minutes, so I'll meet you in there soon. Find some good seats." He said. I nod and make my way into the theatre.

Those 5 minutes felt like the longest 5 minutes in my entire life. I stood in the booth tapping my fingers on to the wood of the booth, waiting for my shift to end.

And finally, what feels like 10 years, a new guy comes into the booth telling me I was done with my shift. I bolt out of the booth and into the theatre. Once I found the room where the movie was playing I found tony sitting in the middle of the theatre. I noticed that we were the only ones in there. "I guess not many people are up to watch an old Black and white film around 7 o' clock." I shrug. I walk up to the row, where Tony was at. He saw me coming down the rows and waved to me. I sat down and noticed he had a big bucket of popcorn, some boxes of candy, and two waters. "Wow, you're prepared. Way to go soccer mom." I joke. "Fuck off. I know you haven't eaten dinner yet. So consider this your dinner." He says, handing me a box of candy. "Well I guess I can't complain about having candy and popcorn as dinner." "Shh I think the movie is starting." Tony says, turning towards the screen.

The movie was absolutely hilarious. It turns out the movie was a comedy and Tony and I were crying from laughter. I had laughed so hard, my sides started to hurt. "Oh my god, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!" Tony said, wiping away a tear. "Same here!" We both continue to giggle, as we walk to Tony's car. We finally settle down as we enter the mustang. Tony turns to me, grinning from ear to ear. "I really enjoyed that, Clay. Thanks for taking me out." "What? Don't thank me. You should be thanking that hilarious ass movie." I chuckle. "Yeah but being with you made it a whole lot better." He said. "Well...uh...thanks. I hope you don't get tired of me saying this but...I love you." I said, giving him a small smile. "I will never get tired of you saying that," he reassured me. "And I love you too." He said, sweetly. "Hey, maybe I love you can be our always?" "Clay don't give me that Fault in our Stars bullshit, you just ruined the moment." He said, as he turned on the ignition. "What do you mean I ruined the mood? And don't diss Fault in Our Stars, it was an amazing book. Why can't you just go along with it, I just really don't get why—" "Okay! Okay! It can be our always or whatever, just let me listen to some music while I drive you home." He says, while swiftly putting a tape in. His tone had made him sound annoyed, but when I looked over at him, I could tell he was smiling.

Sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter, but I wanted to give you guys the next chapter as soon as possible. I hope your enjoying the story so far!!

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