Chapter 10

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I didn't get much sleep when I returned home. The memory of what had happened that night was playing over and over again. I just couldn't understand why it wasn't a big deal to him. Why didn't he care? Did tony just not like me in that way? Did he only see me as a friend? I groaned, as I mashed my face into my pillow. "What the fuck is happening?" I say to myself, tears brimming my eyes. "No! Fuck this!" I yell, furiously wiping away my tears. Why the fuck am I even upset about this? Tony's my best friend and I'm not gonna have a fucking spin-the-bottle kiss cloud my judgement.

But I had to admit I had still hoped that Tony would come around in his red mustang and give me a ride to school. I really wanted to see him. But as time ticked away I realized he wasn't gonna come and I hurried off on my bike, hoping it wouldn't be late to first period.

"Ugh." I groaned, as I sat up. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I think I slept less than an hour last night. I'm still in shock of what happened. Clay Jensen had kissed me. It felt so perfect, but of course it had to be interrupted. Honestly, I'm kind of regretting my decision to see Brad. And while we were in the car, he didn't say a word. It was as if the kiss never happened. When we finally had finally reached his house, he immediately left the car and said goodbye. He didn't even look back. I watched him open the front door, before driving off to make sure he inside safe. As I thought about this I took a look at my phone and realized it was already 8:30. "Shit! I'm late!" I quickly got my shit together and ran out the door.

When I had finally reached my class, I was out of breath. But when I had finally settled down all I could think about was the night before. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

After class after class, lunch finally arrived. I found Skye sitting at our usual table. "Hey, where were you an Tony? I was wait for you guys at your locker." Skye said, sounding annoyed. "Sorry I kinda left the house late, I came right when the first bell rang. Wait—Tony wasn't here either?" I asked. "No he wasn't. But I did see him in 3rd period, I just kind of thought you two went off somewhere together." She said, with a slight smirk on her face. "And why would we be doing something without you, right before school starts?" I asked. She smiled, as she took out her phone. "Well, you know 'cause Tony likes you and I'm assuming you like him." She said, typing away on her phone. "Wait, Tony likes me?" I say, in disbelief. "Yeah, he has for a while now. I thought it was pretty obvious." She shrugged. "And can I ask why you're telling me this? Are you even supposed to be telling me this?" I ask. "Probably not. But I know Tony won't make the first move, because he's too scared that you don't feel the same way and he doesn't want to ruin your friendship or whatever. But I could kinda already tell you liked him too, sooo.... and I ship it to he honest." She said, blatantly. I stared at her, speechless. "Oh, and here he comes now. I would close your mouth if I were you." She said, winking. I quickly shut my mouth and turned to face Tony, who took a seat beside me. "Sorry guys, I woke up late. And Mrs. Garcia wouldn't let me leave until I finished all my work." He said.

I looked back at Tony, my best friend Tony. He had liked me all this time, but  I never knew. But that was because e would rather preserve his friendship with me than risk having a romantic relationship with me. I wish I had known that sooner.

"That's fine. Anyways how was the party?" She asked. "It was alright for me." He shrugged. "How about you, Clay?" She asked. "We kissed!" I blurted out...

Or at least I did in my head. "It was okay for me too." I said. "Hey, I know this is kind of sudden, but I forgot I needed help on my homework. So I'm gonna go, I'll see you guys around." She said, quickly leaving the table. I watched her, confused, as she got up from the table. She quickly winked at me before she left, and gave me a pat on the back. "That was kinda weird. Skye usually isn't worried about anything related to homework." Tony said. "Yeah, maybe she's just trying to boost her grade up or something." I said shrugging. "Maybe..." he said. "Hey, do you think we could hang out after school. There's something I want to tell you." "Sorry, I promised my dad I would help him out today at the garage. But why don't you just tell me right now?" He asks. "Well, its kind of private." I said, trying to hint at him. "Ohh I see. Well how about I call you tonight. And if you really need me to be there with you, I'll come over." He said, with a warm smile. "Yeah, definitely." I said.

We chattered like we regularly did for the rest of the lunch period. Soon, the bell rang and we had to return to class.

After school, I rode my bike to Monet's to get a quick drink of coffee. I guess Skye had that day off and I was a bit upset that I didn't see her. As I was about to leave, I noticed a familiar face. It was Brad. He ordered two coffees and took a seat at one of the tables. "Uh, hey Brad! Didn't think I'd be seeing you around." I said, my hands leaning on the chair opposite of him. "Yeah, well I'm here to meet someone." He said, disinterested. "Oh really, who?" I asked curiously. "You don't know?" He said, confused. "Hm I would've thought he would tell you." He mumbled under his breath. "Well I'm here to see Tony to see if we can work things out." He said. I felt my heart drop. "Tony? You're here to meet up with Tony?" I said, in disbelief. "Uh yeah. How many Tony's do you know?" He said, rolling his eyes. "Ohhh uhh just that one. Um and what are you guys here to talk about, exactly." I ask, trying be nonchalant about it. "Not that it's any of your business. But I was hoping that we could get back together." He said, plainly. My heart shattered. Is that why he didn't talk about the kiss and why he lied to me? "

"Well, that's my order. So you mind not just standing by my table like a weirdo." Brad said, standing up. All I could do was nod. I left the coffee shop, feeling as numb as ever.

Btw I just wanted to say I don't hate Brad in the show and I don't think of him as a bad person. But for the purpose of the story, I did kind of make him out as a dick, so yeah. Anyways I can't believe we have 5k reads and over 300 votes. That is amazing! And please keep leaving comments, I love reading them and responding to them.

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