Chapter 9

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"Hello beautiful," Vik whirled around to find Lachlan leaning against one of the many buildings.

"You came!" Vik exclaimed.

"Of course," Lachlan replied, as if it was only natural that he'd come. "How are you settling in with the Sidemen again?"

"Okay," Vik admitted.

"I can see that," Lachlan commented, raising an eyebrow at Vik's bruised face.

Vik ducked his head. "It's not that bad. Honestly," he protested. "They just-"

"-Think that they can get away with anything they want because JJ doesn't give a damn about you anymore?" Lachlan finished.


Lachlan sighed. "Well, then I think it's about time that I teach yuou how to fight."

Vik smiled. "Really?

"Of course. I promised after all." Lachlan smiled down at the shorter bpy. "Now, do you know how to throw a punch?"

Vik looked at Lachlan.

"What?" Lachlan asked.

"I'm not stupid Lachlan. I know how to punch. I'm in a gang. I've picked up a few tricks," Vik grumbled. "And besides, I want to deprive you of that clichéd moment when the guy teaches the girl how to throw a punch."

Lachlan mock pouted, then cocked his head. "So you're saying that you're a girl?" he asked.

Vik blushed and shook his head. "No! I'm just," Vik paused, not knowing what to say. "Damn it Lachlan."

"I can get you a bra if you want," Lachlan offered, sincerity being the only thing Vik heard in his voice.

"I fucking hate you," Vik grumbled.

"Hell, I'm sure I can find some lace panties if you want," Lachlan added, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"For fuck's sake Lachlan," Vik groaned.

"I even know someone who could get you some very sexy lingerie," Lachlan was cracking up at this point. He couldn't hold it back anymore.

Vik was silent. He was waiting with his arms crossed. Once Lachlan stopped laughing he asked, "Are you done?"

"Yep." Lachlan smirked. "But you'd probably actually fit into girl clothes."

Vik growled and launched himself at Lachlan, only to find himself pressed up against the alley wall.

"You'll have to do better than that," Lachlan teased, his breath hot on Vik's ear.

Vik felt his stomach tighten. If only Lachlan knew the effect he had on Vik... Vik shook his head. He didn't need these thoughts right now.

"Let go of me Lachlan," Vik asked, his voice sounding a bit husky to Vik's embarrassment.

"Why?" Lachlan asked, pressing even closer to Vik, feeling the smaller boy squirm beneath him.

"Please Lachlan?" Vik asked.

Lachlan rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine," he relented, releasing Vik.

Vik muttered under his breath, and Lachlan was almost positive that Vik was cursing Lachlan.

"Are you ready to train or not?" Lachlan demanded, staring at Vik.

Vik grumbled. "Teach me then."

Lachlan smiled. "Whenever you're ready."

So Vik launched himself at Lachlan for the second time that night.


"Where have you been going Vik?"

"What do you mean Simon?" Vik asked. He had been meeting with Lachlan for the past week. Vik never knew how much he'd picked up on living in the gang. Vik knew he could've been a somewhat decent fighter if he had tried instead of being JJ's fuckboy, but he'd never had the incentive. Now he did, and Vik didn't ever want to go back to the life he'd had before.

"I mean you're always sneaking out when you think everyone's sleeping. How many hours of sleep do you get Vik? Four?" Simon demanded.

Vik shrugged. In reality, it was one to two hours a night, but he was learning, and fast. Vik would've preferred to always be training, but Lachlan was an important person in the Pack, and he couldn't always be training Vik.

"It's not healthy Vik," Simon said, moving so that he blocked Vik's path.

"Stop trying to be my mother Simon. She's dead, and I sure as hell don't need another one," Vik snapped, shoving Simon to the side as he stormed past.

"What happened to him?" Josh asked, appearing from the shadows.

"Good question," Simon replied, puzzling over Vik as Josh wrapped his arms around Simon.


"You're training with him, aren't you?" Mitch demanded.

"Why does my life mean so much to you, Mitch?" Lachlan grumbled.

"Because you're going to get yourself killed! You're hardly ever around anymore, and when you are, you're distracted. And I'm not the only one who's noticed!" Mitch exclaimed.

"Leave it Mitch," Lachlan sighed.

"No, I won't. Lachlan, you're training the enemy. The enemy. And-"

Lachlan whirled around to glare at Mitch. "Vik is NOT the enemy. He's our FRIEND. Or at least, he's mine and Jerome's."

Mitch stiffened. "He's mine too. But I'd rather have you survive than him. So let his own friends teach him how to fight."

Lachlan scoffed. "WE'RE his friends."

"He has the Sidemen!" Mitch protested.

Lachlan laughed. But it wasn't a warm laugh, it was a mocking laugh. "Yeah. Because he looked perfectly fine when we met him the first time. Not a single bruise on him," he snarled sarcastically.

"Lachlan, listen-"

"No Mitch, YOU listen. I'm going to train Vik, and there's not a single fucking thing that you can do about it," Lachlan snapped.

Mitch was silent for a long time, watching his friend's retreating back. "You're wrong Lachlan," he whispered. "There is something I can do. I just don't know if I want to betray you like that."

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