Chapter 7

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Vik groaned slightly and stretched his arms up. Another day, well, not day per say. Vik had no idea about the sleeping schedule he was on. It really sucked being confined to bed. Jerome had decided it would be best, since quite a few of Vik's ribs were broken, and Vik hadn't ever broken a rib before. It wasn't like he'd ever gone out and fought, being JJ's sex toy and all. The only good thing about being confined to bed was the fact that Vik couldn't go to the Sidemen's base, meaning he didn't have to see JJ. Vik didn't think he'd be able to handle that, especially right now. And not that his guard(s) would let him.

And speaking of guards, Vik craned his head around searching for who was suppose to be watching him. The three of them, Mitch, Jerome and Lachlan all took turns watching him and making sure that he didn't try to leave. But Vik couldn't see a single one. Was he free? Vik slowly began to raise himself so that he was sitting on the bed.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Vik jumped at the sound of Lachlan's voice, then grimaced slightly as his ribs began to sting.

"Thanks," Vik growled.

Lachlan laughed, and jumped down from his perch on top of the boxes, hidden by the height and the shadows surrounding the pile of boxes. "Besides, aren't you confined to bed?"

Vik grunted. "I hate this bed. It's not comfortable at all."

"Sorry that it's not the five stars you're used to," Lachlan replied, handing Vik the glass of water.

Vik stared at him in wonder. How the hell did he know that Vik wanted water?

"Thanks," Vik said, gratefully accepting the glass and taking a sip. "But what about you?"

"I have mine," Lachlan replied smoothly, pulling out a flask and taking a swig. "See?"

Vik internally groaned. If Lachlan was drinking this early, and Vik knew it was early (because of the sun shining through the window), then Lachlan was going to be completely wasted by the time Mitch and Jerome arrived. Then they'd send Lachlan away, because drunk Lachlan was Lachlan with no fear and extremely stupid. If Lachlan drank enough, he started talking, and when Lachlan started, he didn't stop. He'd talk about his life before, when he was respected by Rob and Preston, he'd talk abouyt how he hated this, hell, once he talked about his life before the gang. That was the time Vik liked the best. Lachlan talked about his family with such fondness, Vik didn't know why Lachlan would ever want to leave them. Vik himself, had parents, mainly his father, who hated him. Vik was glad he was away from them, anywhere was better than being with them.

"Vik?" Vik jerked his head up to see Lachlan staring at him.

"Lachlan?" he asked, copying Lachlan's tone.

Lachlan rolled his eyes. "You spaced out Vik. Just wanted to make sure you were okay," he stated, concern coloring his voice.

Vik felt slightly bad for mocking Lachlan. "Yeah, I'm fine. And sorry."

"For what?" Lachlan looked genuinely puzzled.

"For mocking you." Vik shrugged and looked down at his hands.

Lachlan burst into laughter, before crouching next to Vik. "I didn't mind Vik. Promise."

Vik smiled. "Sorry, I-"

"No apologies here Vik. Okay? You apologize way too much." Lachlan met Vik's stare, before Vik dropped his head.

"Okay. But why do I need to stop saying sor-"

"Don't say it!" Lachlan exclaimed. "If you want to be seen as a fighter, you can't go around saying sorry. You need to be seen as tough."
"Like anyone will see me as tough." Vik snorted and shook his head.

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