Chapter 3

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Vik was walking, glad to be out of the warehouse. It'd been forever since he last left. He didn't like leaving, the outside wasn't the safest place for him to be. JJ was always afraid the Pack would try to kidnap Vik and use him against JJ. And really? Vik couldn't protest. You'd think he would have learned something useful living with the gang, but no. He was still as useless as when he first came here; couldn't run, couldn't fight, couldn't kill. He could understand why the rest of the gang resented him. He walked around favored, not because of anything he did, but because of the fact that JJ like to fuck him.

"Useless," Vik scoffed, kicking a rock and watching it roll down an alley.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Vik whipped around only to come face-to-face with someone he didn't recognize.

"Who are you?" Vik stammered, backing up. Unfortunately for him, he hit a wall.

"Name's Mitch."

"What do you want with me?" Vik asked as Mitch advanced closer.

"I'm curious as to why one of the Sidemen is on Pack land." Vik whipped his head around. Shit! He'd been so distracted, he hadn't realized that he'd crossed over. Vik gluped. He was dead. Mitch was going to kill him, and Vik would never be seen again. Not that anyone would miss, except JJ.

"I didn't realize that this was Pack land. I'm sorry," Vik apologized, hoping Mitch would let him go. "If you could just let me-"

"Go back to your land? I don't think so. I don't know what you're doing here, you clearly aren't a fighter, and if you're a spy, you're a shit one, but if I let you go, I'm as good as dead."

"Please Mitch," Vik begged. Why did he leave the warehouse? How fucking stupid was he? He never left the warehouse, now he'd be used against JJ and the rest of the Sidemen. He'd fucked up, big time. And this time, JJ couldn't help him.

Mitch smiled. "Sorry," he offered and then clocked Vik in the jaw. Vik felt the momentary pain, and then slid into the darkness.


"He's awake." Vik groaned and raised his head groggily. He tried to move his arms but couldn't. Vik blinked and looked at his arms, seeing the ropes that bound him to the chair.

"How do you feel?" the voice asked. Vik couldn't see who was asking, there was a bright light being shined in his face.

"Like crap," he answered.

The was a couple of different laughters. Great, Vik thought to himself. Multiple people interrogating him.

"What's your name?"

"What's yours?" Vik countered, feeling a small bit of courage.

There was a pause. "Preston," came the reply. Vik felt his stomach drop. Preston? he was screwed. Of course he got the leader. Of course. The only person who might actually know who he is. JJ had kept him a secret for obvious reasons, but Vik was 90% sure Preston knew about him.

"So, what's your name?" Vik hesitated. Should he lie? No, Vik decided. If Preston really was his interrogator, and he knew who Vik was, then lying wouldn't do any good.

"Vik," he replied.

"I knew it!" some called out. Vik strained his eyes to see who it was, but to no avail.

"Mitch, turn the lights on," a voice, Preston's maybe? called out. Then the lights were on, and Vik could see. There was four of them; Preston, Mitch (who he knew from earlier), and two other guys.

"Vik, meet Rob, Mitch and Mike. And you know me, I'm Preston." Vik nodded and studied the four guys.

"So, why was Olajide's boy toy over on our side? Bored of one leader and thought you'd move onto the other one?" Someone asked. Vik was pretty sure it was Rob.

"Shut your fucking mouth Rob. No one's coming to take your place." Vik turned his head to see another person he didn't recognize. This guy had blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes Vik had ever seen. They were so bright and vibrant.

"Shut the fuck up Lachlan. No one gives a damn about the crap that comes out of your mouth," Rob shot back. So that was his name. Vik liked it, it was pretty.

"Preston, I'm sorry you have to deal with Rob's mouth. I bet he doesn't wash it, so it probably tastes of shit all the fucking time," Lachlan replied, smirking.

Rob lunged forward and grabbed Lachlin's shirt pushing him against the wall. "You better shut the fuck up or-"

"Or what? You'll make me?" Lachlan sneered.

"Lachlan. Robert. ENOUGH," Preston snapped. "If you two can't get along, then I'll have to replace both my second AND third. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir," they replied, Rob letting go of Lachlan's shirt.


"Who do we have here?" Lachlan asked, looking at the boy in the chair.

"Vik," came Preston's reply.

"And why do we have him tied up? He couldn't hurt a fly if he tried!" Lachlan exclaimed.

Rob snorted. "For once, I agree with the blonde."

Lachlan looked surprised. "Wow. The homeless man agreed with me."

"Shut it you two." Preston glared at them. "I'm sick and tired of having you two constantly go at each other. What did I do to get stuck with you two?" he snapped, before turning and leaving. "We'll finish this up later," he called over his shoulder.

Rob shrugged and walked after Preston.

"Go chase after his dick you asshole," Lachlan grumbled, staring daggers into Rob's retreating back.

"What do you want us to do Lachlan?" Lachlan turned to see Mitch and Mike looking at him.

"Untie the prisoner for one." They both nodded and soon after, Vik was free.

"Thanks," he said, looking at the three of them nervously.

"Can you guys give us some privacy please?" Lachlan asked. Mike hesitated, but Mitch grabbed his arm, and dragged him from the room.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Lachlan, third in command." Lachlan held out his hand for Vik to shake it.

Vik accepted. "I'm Vik, JJ's fuck boy," he replied automatically, before his eyes widened in surprise and his hands covered his mouth.

"What?" Lachlan exclaimed.

"Shit, I shouldn't have said that!" Vik started backing away from Lachlan. Great. They hadn't know who he was, and now he'd just blown it. "Go ahead then. I suppose you're going to knock me out and use me as bait then."

Lachlan watched Vik. "No. You don't know anything, and I don't hurt innocents."

Vik looked up in surprise. "What?"

"You heard what I said."

"Okay.. so.. now what?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure this is the part where you thank me, and then walk through those doors and never return to Pack territory again." Lachlan smiled. He knew he was going to get into a shit ton of trouble for this, and it was going to hurt like hell. But it was worth it. Every bit of pain.

"I.. uh... thank you," Vik stammered.

"Go Vik," Lachlan encouraged. "Before anyone comes back."

Vik smiled, then turned and ran. Lachlan prayed he'd make it. It'd be a downright pity to torture a boy as cute as him.

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