Chapter 4

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"Where the hell is he?" JJ demanded, and then slammed his hand on the table, causing both Simon and Josh to flinch.

"We don't know," Simon replied, trying to hide how nervous he was. "He's not in the warehouse or in any of the safe-houses, and if he left, he didn't take anyone with him."

"We," Josh began, gesturing to Simon and himself, but upon seeing Simon's glare corrected himself. "i mean, I think he was taken. By the Pack."

"Well then," JJ raised his head to stare Josh in the eyes. "You better go find him."

"On Pack territory?" Simon exclaimed, realizing his mistake too late.

JJ's head whipped around to stare at Simon. "If that's where Vik is, then yes. Because if the Pack has him, and they figure out who he is, all of our plans, EVERY SINGLE ONE, is useless."

"But, Vik doesn't know anything," Josh pointed out.

"He knows something," JJ grumbled, annoyed at himself for telling Vik some of their plans. "But I'm not going to destroy their place WITH VIK IN IT! Do you understand me?"

"Crystal clear," Simon and Josh replied. Turning, Simon reached to open the door so they could begin the search for Vik, only to have it open before Simon could. Simon and Josh could only stare in shock as Vik crossed the threshold into the meeting area.

He looked around, confused. "Did I miss something important?" he asked.

JJ began laughing, and after sharing a relieved smile, Simon and Josh joined in.

"Guys? Why are you laughing?" Inside, Vik was relieved that they were laughing. He wasn't going to get into too much trouble, right?

Almost as if he had heard Vik's thoughts JJ stopped laughing. Josh and Simon halted too. "Where were you?" JJ demanded.

"I took a walk," Vik replied. He had always been a shit liar, so sticking as close to the truth was best. There was no way he was going to tell JJ what had happened, Vik would only get grilled for information, and then he would get even less freedom than before. Hell, they'd probably put a leash on him.

JJ watched Vik carefully. "And did anything happen on this... walk?" he asked, measuring Vik's expression.

"No," Vik replied, keeping his voice steady, praying JJ wouldn't notice. If JJ knew he was lying...

"Good. But in the future Vik, try staying in the warehouse," JJ requested. Vik smiled and nodded, and knew better than to release his relieved sigh.

"Yeah Vik. JJ was in some desperate need of a hole to fuck, and you weren't around. The gang and I were to the point that we were considering drawing starws," Simon teased, only to have JJ stare daggers at him.

"And Mr-who-thinks-he's-fucking-hilarious and I will be leaving now." Josh smiled, and grabbed Simon's arm, dragging him from the room.

Once the door slammed shut behind them, JJ stood up and walked over to where Vik was. "Are you okay?" he asked him.

"I'm fine JJ, nothing happened. Really." Vik smiled at JJ.

"Vik..." JJ growled. "Don't lie to me."

"I'm serious JJ! Nothing happened!" Vik protested.

JJ grabbed Vik's chin and tilted his head upwards, forcing him to make eye contact with JJ. "Tell me the truth Vik. Look me in the eyes, and tell me the goddamn truth!"

"Nothing happened JJ," Vik replied, trying to keep his voice calm and believable. But the tremble in his voice gave him away.

"Goddamn it Vik," JJ growled, letting go of the boy. "Why the hell don't you trust me?"

"I do JJ. But it's nothing you need to worry about," Vik reply, watching JJ pace across the floor.

JJ looked over at the boy and strode over to him. "I worry about YOU Vik. YOU. So if something happened to you, then yes, it IS something for me to worry about," JJ growled, staring at Vik's surprised face, never breaking eye contact.

Finally, Vik broke the eye contact moving his eyes downward. "Nothing happened JJ," he whispered. But there was a sad tone in his voice that told JJ he was lying.

"Fine. If you don't want to tell me the truth, fine. But until you do, you are considered on of the Sidemen. Officially. No favored status, no special privileges. You are to fight, to train and work with the other members."

Vik's head jerked up in surprise. "But.. they hate me! And I can't fight."

JJ shrugged and turned his back on Vik. "Well then, you better learn. Otherwise, you won't last long in this world."

Vik felt his stomach drop. He wanted to protest, to scream that it wasn't fair. But he knew a dismissal when he saw one. He nodded and left, walking out of the war room. He doubted that he'd ever be invited back in there again.


"You let him go?" Preston yelled. "How fucking stupid are you? He was our only, ONLY lead!"

Lachlan shifted his eyes downwards. "He didn't know anything.

"Like hell he didn't," Preston snarled. "He's Olajide's fuck boy. OF COURSE he knew something!"

"He got too attached to him. Didn't want the little boy to get roughed up," Rob scoffed.

Lachlan glared at Rob. "Would you have beaten up a kid like that?"

"He's not a kid! He's in Olajide's gang! You've killed us all!" Rob snarled, slamming his fist into Lachlan's stomach.

Lachlan gasped and doubled over. When he'd regained his breath he stood up and glared at Rob. "Well then, you're a heartless bastard."

That was the last straw for Rob, as he lunged at Lachlin slamming his fists at whatever he could get. Lachlan, with his hands chained to the ceiling, didn't have much ability to protect himself.

"Enough!" Mitch yelled, pulling Rob off Lachlan, seeing that Preston wasn't going to do anything. But Rob wouldn't stop, and he quickly overpowered Mitch. "What the hell is wrong with you Preston? Call your guard dog off!"

"No," Preston answered, watching Rob beat up Lachlan. "He needs to learn his lesson."

Mitch looked like he was about to protest, but Lachlan shook his head. He'd take the beatings, it would satisfy Rob and Preston and only give him some bruises.

Mitch hesitated. He wanted to helped Lachlan but if Lachlan didn't want help... He sighed and left the room. He may not be able to help Lachlan, but he wasn't going to watch Rob beat the shit out of him. Besides, he could do other things, like rally Lachlan's troops. Preston may lead, but it was Lachlan that the Pack answered to.

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