Chapter 1

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"Vik." A slight pause. "Vik," was called, slightly louder. The a sigh. "VIK!"

Vik jumped. "Uh yeah?" he asked turning to look at Simon.

"Why are you always staring off into the distance?"

Vik smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I just got distracted."

"No shit." Simon glared at Vik, watching him squirm slightly. "C'mon. JJ wants to see you."

Vik nodded and followed Simon, falling a bit behind everytime he stopped to say hello to the other members they passed. He counted four; Ethan, Tobi, Harry and Manny. Callum and Cal were out on a mission, and Josh was probably hanging out with JJ. JJ, Simon and Josh were the three leaders, JJ was first in command, then Simon, and then Josh. The rest of them saw each other as equals more or less.

"VIK!" Simon's voice cut through the quiet, startling Vik.

"Shit, sorry Simon." He had stopped walking, just staring into space thinking.

"Why have you been so distracted recently?" Simon scolded. "And at a time when we need you to be focused! C'mon! I expect better Vik."

"Yes sir." Vik hung his head, trying to look meek and apologetic. Everyone else was excited, and was training hard. In a week, they were going to be able to destroy the other gang, finally . Vik was the only one who wasn't excited. He didn't think that the Pack was bad, if anything, they were pretty cool. But his opinion didn't matter. He didn't have a voice on the council due to him not being able to contribute to the gang. The only reason he was here was because of JJ, being his "boy-toy" as the others said. But Vik didn't mind. He couldn't take offense at the truth.

"We're here Vik." Simon stared at the distracted boy. He never understood JJ's decision to let Vik join. Vik didn't add anything to the group, all he did was satisfy JJ sexual desires. Which was good, Simon supposed. If it wasn't Vik, odds are it would have been him. And Simon wasn't a bottom. No way in hell.

"Thanks Simon." Simon looked down at the nervous boy. Vik was rubbing his hands on his pants, trying to get rid of the sweat. Simon felt slightly bad for the kid, but he didn't let that show. He just inclined his head slightly and walked away. Vik's problems weren't his to deal with.

Vik sighed and turned towards the door, after finding no reassurance in Simon's eyes. He hoped JJ was in a good mood, and he wasn't being called here to be yelled at. Vik took a deep breath and knocked. The sound echoed in the empty warehouse. He heard a grunt and then the door was opened to reveal Josh's face.

"It's Vik," Josh called out, looking at whom Vik assumed was JJ. Josh must have received some kind of signal, because he opened the door and let Vik.

"Hey Vik." Vik turned towards the sound to see JJ staring at him.

"Hey JJ." He was nervous. JJ had been too busy to do anything with Vik recently, so Vik didn't know what to expect. Was he in trouble? Did JJ think he was screwing someone else? That had happened before, Josh (different one) had said that Vik had been making advances, and so he had agreed to Vik's demands. Vik hadn't demanded anything, Josh had just assumed that he could screw Vik because, hey, boy-toy right? JJ had been pissed. Granted, Vik had taken a lot of the punishment, because no one believed Vik over Josh, and the only person who'd believe Vik, which was JJ, and he had refused to see him. But JJ found out later, and there was a reason that there was a recently dug up place in the park near them. Nobody ever mentioned it, but all of the gang members got the message; Vik was to be left alone.

"Hello Vik." JJ smiled at him. "We're so close. As soon as the two Cals come back, and they have the information we need, we are finally going to be able to destroy the Pack."

Josh smirked. "Finally."

Vik smiled, or at least he thought he did. He didn't want to kill a bunch of other people like them, forced into gangs because of unfortunate situations.

"What's wrong Vik? Aren't you happy?" Vik looked up to see Josh towering over him.

"Of course!" he squeaked out.

"You're certainly doing a lot of celebrating," Josh stated sarcastically.

"I'm just thinking." Vik looked down at his feet. He hoped they wouldn't push it. He wasn't made to be in a gang. He didn't like the intimidation, the whispers in the corners, the way everyone looked down upon him.

"Less thinking Vik, more fucking." Vik looked up to see JJ grinning at him, and Vik quickly put a smile on his face. He never let his mask slip in front of JJ, never. JJ was the only reason he was alive.

"Well, I'm sure you guys don't want me to join," Josh drawled as he made his way to the door. "So I'll just let you guys screw on the table together in peace."

Vik blushed, but JJ laughed and picked Vik up, depositing him on the table. Josh smirked at Vik before shutting the door behind him.

"You've no idea how much I want to be inside of you," JJ growled in Vik's ear, his voice turning husky.

Vik shivered as he felt JJ's teeth graze his earlobe. "Then what are you waiting for?" he asked breathlessly. JJ smirked.

"Well then," he whispered in Vik's ear. "Let's have some fun."

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