Meeting my dead boyfriend's family

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Alfred woke up, hair mussed and bright blue eyes clouded with sleep. He got up and got dressed, buttoning his shirt as he trudged down the hallway, sipping at a coffee. "Artie. Yo Artie." He yawned, knocking on what was Arthur's room. "Art- HOLY SHIT THAT'S HOT AS HELL!" the King of hell yelped as he spilled coffee on his bare foot, jumping up and down the hallway, holding it while yelling profanities at the top of his lungs.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Francis asked, poking his head out of his own room, hair still in a ponytail and blinking blearily. "What ze 'ell eez going on? Do you even know what time eet eez?" Francis nearly snarled, narrowing his blue eyes at Alfred.

"Sorry dude... 6 am? Désolé..." He apologized, shuffling awkwardly. "Artie wouldn't wake up and I spilled hot coffee on myself."

The French demon sighed, stepping out of his own room to put a hand on Alfred's broad shoulder gently. "Mon Roi, Arthur left for 'eaven yesterday. Je suis tellement désolé, but eet eez 'ighly unlikely zat you will see zat ange again."

"I know, I know. Hey Francis you're good with figuring out emotions, right?" Alfred's voice was full of hope, head bowed and eyes staring at the floor, fists clenched. "Then can you tell me what i'm feeling?"

"Bien sûr, mon Roi. What do you feel? Eez eet for Arthur?" The Frenchman prodded, the American nodding.

"Yeah whenever i'm around him my heart feels really light and like i'm on the top of the world. Like flying, but better. It really doesn't matter if he's yelling at me, or being grumpy all I want to do is make him smile." Alfred said hurriedly, head snapping back up to look Francis straight in the eyes. "What is this feeling? Is it loathing?"

"Cher, you 'ave been watching too many Broadway musicals. Ze feeling zat you are feeling eez-"

"ALFIE'Z GOT A CRUSH! KESEKESEKESE!" Gilbert shouted, prancing out of his own room, ruffling Alfred's hair.

"¿Que? Is it on Arthur?" Antonio asked, brown hair messy and rubbing his green eyes. He joined the trio in the hallway, tilting his head to the side curiously. "Wow Alfred congratulations! He seems like a pretty nice guy, and he probably likes you back." he congratulated, slinging an arm around Alfred's neck.

"No no no guys this can't be! Francis please tell me they're wrong!" He begged, grabbing Francis by the collar of his shirt and shaking him, lifting the shorter man's face closer to his own, so that Francis's feet dangled in the air.

"Alfred, zey are right. Seems zat you 'ave fallen for ze rosbif." Francis pointed out, acutely aware that he was farther from the ground than he'd like to be.

"But I've only known him for a week! Impossible!" Alfred yelled, bright eyes glazed with moisture. Gilbert winced, tapping Alfred's cheek a few times to get his attention.

"He's right. Demons und angels fall in love faster zhan humans. Jou two vill end up togezher eventually, but it may not be awesome getting to zhat point. Can jou let Francy-pants down? He looks scared."

"S'il vous plaît." Francis squeaked, trying to flap his wings but failing due to the small hallway.

"Dude i'm so sorry!" Alfred apologized furiously, setting the French demon down gently. "But I still want to know Artie more. I want to feel like I knew him when he was... alive." The words left a bitter taste in his mouth, remembering that everyone other than him was dead.

"You could meet his family." Antonio suggested, scratching his chin in thought.

"But I promised Artie that there wouldn't be any interference." Alfred sighed, tail sweeping back and forth sadly.

Of Devils, Angels, and HeartbreakΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα