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Arthur awoke a while later to muffled music and noise, coming from what seemed to be down the hall. The angel sat up, rubbing his eyes and blinking blearily. Dull thumping as well as clapping was heard, and the Brit growled. "If those bloody demons are drunk I swear to god..." He grumbled, stretching his wings. The snow white feathers ruffled, then smoothed back into a glossy sheet as Arthur folded them. The angel in hell padded down the hall, making sure to step lightly. Singing grew clearer as he approached the room, and Arthur paused at the slightly ajar door, pressing one green eye to the opening. The room looked like a small bar, with a dance floor, bar with shelves upon shelves with alcohol, and of course demons. There were the obvious, Gilbert, Antonio, Francis and Alfred, but some that Arthur did not know. There was a man with strawberry blonde hair and red eyes, with a small fang poking out of his mouth. He was wearing a small hat with ribbons, and was deep in conversation with the demon sitting next to him. This one had dull blue eyes and blonde hair, with a seemingly permanent disinterested expression. A demon with violet eyes and raven hair with elegant horns was playing the fiddle, and the final demon was a young woman with long blonde hair in a black dress who was standing behind the bar, drinking something from a small glass. It was Natalya, Ivan's sister. Her silver horns curled against the back of her head, almost meeting at the ends. The music ended with a flourish, and rowdy applause broke out. Arthur spotted Alfred over the heads of the others, taking the fiddle from the other demon.

"Hey guys so i'd like to play next, any recommendations?" He called, twirling the fiddle around in his hands. Arthur snorted quietly, unnoticed by the others.

As if that wanker knows how to play. Bloody hell he'd probably break it in his hands. Arthur smirked, sure that a funny fail performance was to follow.

"Da Alfred be playing your favorite!" The fanged one yelled, his response meet with whoops and cheers around the room. Alfred grinned and rested the instrument on his shoulder, holding it surprisingly well.

"Kay dudes but warning ima start at my favorite part and I might cause the ladies to faint!" He grinned, shooting Natalya a wink, who in response raised her glass, smirking.

"Good luck with that!"

He tapped his foot, drawing the bow against the string, testing it out before breaking into song. His playing was fast paced and surprisingly good, the high notes singing. The demon king opened his mouth and belted out the words, his voice surprisingly deep and clear.

"He played Fire on the Mountain run boys, run! The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun! Chicken in a bread pan pickin' out dough! Granny, does your dog bite? No child, no!"

He continued playing until the end of the song, and it might have been the best music Arthur had ever heard in his life. He finished the performance and stood on the bar, raising the bow high in the air.

"This performance is dedicated to Arthur, who still thinks that I can't see him behind the door!" He yelled, laughing loudly. All eyes turned to the door where Arthur shrank back, blushing furiously. A large hand grabbed his own and he was dragged into the room by Alfred, who was still laughing obnoxiously.

"Bloody hell you American demon are you drunk?" The British angel hissed, trying in vain to regain possession of his hand.

"Nope but i'm pretty sure Gil is! You haven't met most of my friends so here they are! Guys this is Arthur, he's an angel that was sent here by king 'I don't know how hell works'."

"Hallo Arthur." The violet eyed demon spoke up first, looking at the angel with interest. "I'm Roderich Edelstein, zhe musician." he greeted. His voice was smooth and refined, with a strong accent.

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