Short Sequel

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"Miwa, stay away. Your brother wouldn't like this. And plus. I don't like you. I love Akane."

"There you go again breaking my heart Haru~Kun... Don't worry, I'll get rid of Akane. Then you and I can be together!"

Meanwhile, Akane....

"Akihiro! Stay back! Don't come anywhere near me or you'll get it."

"What do you mean?"

"Never in my life will I love you! I love Haru, alright?!"

"What the actual f-- STOP TALKING ABOUT HARU! The second you say his name again, he'll die!"

"W- what?..."


Ana's Note: There's the sequel. I know it's short, but I just don't wanna spoil too much information.

Stay patient and thank you~!

Baibai~! ❤

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