Into one - Chapter 19

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Its been about a month since Hayato visited me and Haru, and there's a week left before the wedding... I tried to cancel it but... They said that Hayato chose me and they couldn't change his desicion.

Right now, I'm walking home with Haru from a convenience store. Mom still hasn't come back, but day by day, I feel less of her presence.

Me and Haru talked about the wedding, and he doesn't like the idea of it. In fact, he hates it. He hates it way to much. I have no idea how his face expression works since he's always composed, but I know he's planning something

While we walk towards home, Haru holds my hand and slowly starts swinging it.

"Babe?" He whispers, while looking out the distance.

"Hm?" I answer looking up at him still walking.

"Do you want to do IT?" He asks with a flushed face while I choke with my face red/pink from the words he said.

"w- wha- t ar- re you t- talki- ng a- about?!" I ask coughing, and pretending I don't know what he's saying. But before I knew it, Haru cornered me to a wall and hugs me while he rests his head on my shoulder.

"You know... It... I'm sorry I'm acting like this... I just don't want your first to be with him... I want you to be mine, and only mine..." He whispers, I felt a cold tear drop on my shoulder and could easily tell that he was silently crying.

"Haru..." I made him look at me, and held both his cheeks, "I'm already yours~" I kissed his lips passionately enjoying his candy taste.

"B- b- but..." He stutters while tears flow down his cheeks. Before he could continue, I cut him off, "No matter what Hayato does to me, I will never love him the way I love you. I'll love you forever and ever no matter what. I'll forever be yours Haru~" I hug him tight, making him calm down.

"I- I love you t- too Akane..." He stutters still crying.



As I lay down on my bed Haru joins me and sits lightly on top of me.

"Haru... What are you doing?..." I whisper with my cheeks pink, but Haru didn't notice it since he closed the lights before laying down.

"Nothing..." He mumbles but leans close to my neck and pecks it.

With a shiver up my spine and 10 billion butterflies in my stomach, I stutter, "H- Haru..."

"Don't worry Akane. I'm not going to do it. Just trust me okay?" He looks up at me and whispers. I nod my head and let him do what he wanted. Can't say I wasn't enjoying it~

Haru leans in again and licks the spot that he pecked. The next thing I knew, Haru was sucking on it. A moan leaves my mouth and I close my eyes tightly.

Haru takes off my shirt and starts kissing my neck to my torso. But I trust him, he won't do it unless he said he would. He start sucking more and more moans leave my throat.

After a while, he moves to my lips and starts kissing me. He asks for an opening and so I let him. He explored me without leaving any spot.

After a while he stopped, but I didn't know what he was going to do next since my eyes were still closed tight.

"You can open your eyes now babe~" He whispers.

I slowly opened my eyes and see him hugging me from the side with his legs held tight with mine.

"Y- you're done?" I mumble.

"Yeah, here's your shirt. Thanks for trusting me. I just wanted to enjoy you before that day comes..." He whispers again but this time, he had saddness in his voice.

I thought about what he said when we were walking from the convenience store and finally made my desicion.

"Haru?" I whisper staring at him.

"Yeah?" He answers staring back.

"Do anything you want with me..." I say in a serious tone but also slightly stuttered.

"Akane... A- are you s- sure about this?" He gets up and holds onto my hands.

"Yeah..." I answer.

Haru continued to where he left of and did all that he wanted, and I let him freely. I enjoyed every single moment...


Ana's Note: Umm... Yeah... So.... I'm so sorry! I just couldn't do the actions, know what I mean?... I'm still young and pure and kinda innocent so I don't have the guts to write those... I mean I'm in a teen stage and I don't even curse! If I do that and not enjoy writing it, it's not my personality...

I'm so sorry!! But hey... The good part is now they're... Actually...yeah.... now... Gyah... I feel dizzy...

Thank you so much for the support and being great readers. I'll continue writing and do my best~
Thanks again! Baibai~! ❤

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