The Dream - Chapter 4

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"Hey Haru~Senpai! Look at what my mom bought for me! My mom told me it's a strawberry lipgloss. She said it was for lips but I don't know how to use it..." A 7 years old me jumped happily.

"S- strawberry?" A boy that looked a year older than me blushed "Kane~Chan, that would look great on you! I always see my mom putting on lipgloss's and  lipsticks, so here. I'll put it on for you!" He had dark blue hair and dark black eyes, he walks towards me and offers to put on my new lipgloss. He takes the lipgloss and opens the lid, he leans in closer and puts the lipgloss gently and perfectly on my lips, with one of his arm wrapped around my waist.  

I started to blush pink, and I could smell the strawberry lip-gloss. Ones he was done, he gave me back the lipgloss and dragged me to a park. He wouldn't stop smiling and blushing after he helped me with the lipgloss. 

"Thank you for helping me Haru~Kun!" I smiled while we sit on a sandbox making a sand castle.

"N- no problem! You should wear l- lipglosses m- more often!" He smiled happily. A smile I could never ever forget.

But that was the very last time I ever saw that smile...


I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling. Sitting up, I could feel my cheeks's warmness. Slowly I brushed my lips with my fingers and remembered his smile.

I suddenly felt tears developing in both my eyes and before I knew it, I was crying quietly. I tried to stop but everytime I tried to, more tears just came. 

I walked to my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. 

"S- stop crying Akane! That was 10 years ago!" I cried, I sniffled and stopped my crying. My hands turned the sink water on and I washed my face with warm water. 

Haru~Kun was forcefully moved to another city in Japan. That left me alone and no one to play with. After that, I became more quiet and sad hoping I could see him one last time. He never said goodbye to me. Just his parents going to my house one day telling me that Haru~Kun left and was never coming back. I wouldn't stop crying for a week even tho my mom tried her hardest to make me happy. 

I finally forgot about him when suddenly... I had that dream from when I was 7.

I walked to the dining room with redness in my eyes, trying to forget about the dream. Mom cooked omelette this time, and she walked into the kitchen only seeing me sniffling. She carefully placed the plate with omelette in front of me and sat beside me.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asked with a soft voice.

I stared at her and shaked my head.

"N- no..." A small no came out of my mouth and I stared eating my food slowly.

"Do you mind if I ask what's wrong?" She stared at me looking worried.

"I had a d- dream back when I was s- seven years old... W- when I received the news about H- Haru~Kun..." I stopped eating and drank water. She stared at me and smiled.

"Don't worry Akane. I bet you'll find Haru~Kun soon" She smiled comforting me.

"T- thanks mom.." 

"I'll call your teacher and tell her your not feeling good today okay? Finish your break fast and wait for the boys, after they come tell them you won't be going to school. Can you do that Akane?" 

"Sure mom, I'm almost done so I'll go to the couch and wait for them to come soon."

"Sorry I can't call one of the boys or their parents hon. I don't know their numbers and their parents changed theirs so I'll have to head over to there house to ask for it."

"It's fine mom, I can wait." 

After 5 minutes, I finally finished my breakfast. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch opening the t.v.

"Oh shoot, I'm wearing my onesie.." I sighed "Whatever... It's fine.."


"That must be them" I whispered staring at the door. I walked over to the entrance door and opened the door covering my mouth and eyes while yawning with my hands.

"Good mor-" Kei tried greeting but stared at me quietly instead.

"I know, I look like a mess. But I can't go to school today. I don't feel good." I stared at Kei. Kyo behind Kei snickered and jumped in front of him. 

"You look cute Akane!" Kyo laughed, "But anyways, we'll go ahead then. Get well soon!"

Haru as always didn't care. He was just listening to music.

"Thanks Kyo. Have a nice day" Kyo waved goodbye with Haru and Kei not caring.

I closed the door and headed to my room to sleep.

*Haru's POV*

What a child Akane is. She can't go to school even tho she's sick? Weakling... I thought in my mind while I listen to music.

"That girl is pathetic. And she looked like trash. Why does our parents want to be 'friends' with that utterly useless girl." Kei complained while I walk beside him pretending I couldn't hear him.

"Onii~Chan! Don't be so rude! Akane is really cute and nice!" Kyo defended.

"Maybe to you but, she's completely nothing to me." Kyo rolled his eyes on Kei and crossed his arms while his bag was on one of his shoulder.

I may call Akane a weakling but I think Kei's over doing it. But she did look funny when she was wearing that bear onesie. 

What annoys me about her is that she looks like... Kane~San...

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