Stranger - Chapter 22

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*Akane's POV*

"Who... Who are you?..." As I was about to exit my school, I was stopped by a guy with dark blue hair and black eyes.

"Akane, what do you mean?! It's me! Your boyfriend!" He yells holding onto my wrist tightly. I whimpered from the pain and closed my eyes tight.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or what my relationship is with you. I don't even know your name and I'm not sure how you know my name. I already have a boyfriend and I know it's not you. Now, please let go of my wrist. It hurts." I opened my eyes and stared into his orbs with a serious toan. He lets go while staring at me. One tear drops from his right eyes and looks down.

"I'm sorry... I must have--"

"Haru!" I looked behind me and saw my mom walking towards me.

"Mom...?" I whispered.

"Honey, dear. Will you please go to the car and wait for me? I just need to speak with this gentleman." She smiled and pointed to a white car.

I slowly nod my head and took one last glance of the boy. I walked in the car and waited for mom.

*Haru's POV*

My eyes wondered the cement ground with tears flowing out of my eyes.

Akane... How?... Why?... Why would you say you don't remember me? How do you not remember your best friend and your boyfriend?...

"Haru, we need to talk." I looked up and Akane's mom was staring at me with an expression I've never seen her with before. I nod my head and we walked to a bench, and sat down.

"Mrs. Himura. How come Akane can't remember me? Did something happen while she was at the Prince's palace?" She nodded without hesitating and folded her hands together.

"You see... As me and Akane were heading back after we were released from the Prince's order, she went through a small accident..." She kept her eyes stared into mine as my eyes widened. "I didn't know what happened but while I was waiting for her, Hayato was carrying her and she wasn't awake. He just ran to me and told me she was attacked."


Ana's Note: Hi hi~! I'm back and here's a new short chapter! I won't be posting as often anymore but I'll try to update once or twice a week!

Please understand~ ^^ Thank you for waiting and have a great day~! ❤

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