|Day 4: Nightmare|

Start from the beginning

And it became quiet. All they could do was feel bad and agree. Sting knitted his brows. He felt pain in his chest. And he also realized that what Yukino said was true. He himself saw the way Chrome smiled with Larcade. And he can never make her smile like that.

"Guys.", Minerva breaks the silence. "I want someone to send Porlyusica-san a message for me. She's the mage from Fairy Tail that healed me and somewhat got rid of half the demon being I was. Since Zeref is gone, all demons are annihilated. Me on the other hand, I'm still alive because of her. So if the same process would save the two of them, we have to do it soon. The  two of them are running out of time."

Rogue slams his fists on the table. "Why is this happening?!", he shouted angrily. He and Chrome had a weird relationship. Maybe because he was the only one who knew that he was her older brother?

"Can you guys keep it down?", said Chrome, walking into the scenario. She was with Larcade.

"Ah Chrome!", Minerva smiled and walks up to her. "How are you feeling?", she gently grabs her hands and held them tight. "Oh Chrome... I can't guarantee anything but I'll do whatever I can to save the both of you.", she sniffed and sobbed.

Chrome smiles and sighs. "Minerva. Thank you.", she giggles and turns to Larcade. "Oh, and Larcade, this is Minerva. She's a member of Sting's guild, Sabertooth. And that's Rufus and Orga."

Larcade bows his head. "Thank you for helping Chrome-san. My name is Larcade."

"Likewise.", Rufus tilts his hat and nods with a smile.

"Aye.", Orga waves.

Minerva cups Chrome's cheeks. And then turns to Larcade. "Chrome. You need to rest.", she said and leans closer to her. "Your cheeks are cracking as well. We can't have Larcade seeing that now can we?", she whispered.

Chrome flinches and touches her cheeks. "What should I do?", she whimpered like a kid.

"I'll have Yukino help me fix everything. So, why don't you and Larcade stay here till I think it's right for you guys to go back?", said Minerva.

Yukino nods and happily claps her hands. "Of course. Rogue-sama, Sting-sama, can you prepare a room for the two of them?"

"I'll do it.", said Sting, surprising everyone. "Rogue, you go send the message.", he tilts his head upwards at Rogue then looks back to Chrome. "I'll take care of him.", he glares at Larcade.

After the girls left, Sting took Larcade around the guild while Rogue, Rufus and Orga do their thing. You could guess Sting wanted to be alone with him to have the talk. Sting took Larcade to his room and took out his lacrima before speaking.

"Here.", he activates the lacrima, showing a holographic image of Chrome wearing a wedding dress from the Wedding Event during GMGs. "This is Chrome from a year and a half ago. "What do you think is the difference between this Chrome and the Chrome now?"

"She's even more beautiful now.", Larcade smiles. He then notices something weird about his room. His walls were filled of Chrome posters. "Uh..."

Sting flinches and turns red. "What? I told you before didn't I? I loved her first.", he sits on his bed and turns on his lacrima screen. "Look at it.", again, the bigger lacrima shows Chrome from GMGs during the Swimsuit Event. "Which one do you prefer her with? The bikini or the knee socks?", he grinned.

"Knee socks. Since she wears that on a daily. Plus the bikini.", Larcade replied with no hesitation. 

"Ah...", Sting grins and kept clicking the next button. "We're gonna have a lot of fun till Chrome and the girls are done then."


Minerva, Chrome and Yukino walked in the halls, on their way to Sting's room. Chrome's hair was washed and she was refreshed. Yukino gave her a white, over shoulder top that had long sleeves and a comfortable, black miniskirt. 

"I heard from Rufus that Sting didn't even bother looking for a room for the two of you. I'll be damned if those two got along. The building is still intact.", Minerva takes out her fan and fans herself while walking.

Yukino giggles and finally, they arrived in front of Sting's room. "Oh Minerva-sama. You don't give Sting-sama enough credit. I'm sure he's—", she opens the door and was cut off as a loud scream came out of the room. "Oh dear.", they walked into the room.

The girls were left speechless. Sting and Larcade were caught watching Sorcerer Weekly. And on the lacrima screen was countless of pictures of Chrome as a model in different transitions. What's even more surprising is that the two of them were sitting next to each other, eating ramen.

Chrome turns around and covers her mouth. "Pfft."

"What in the world is going on here?", Minerva puts her hands on her waist and gives them a curious look. "Sting. Didn't I tell you to stop being a creep? Are you not ashamed?! Not only that, you took her lover in your room!"

Suddenly, Chrome bursts out laughing and they turned to her. "Ahaha!", she panted and wipes the tear on the corners of her eyes. She sighed. "I did not expect this. But I'm glad that the two of you didn't destroy the whole building."

Larcade perks up and and rushes to Chrome. "Chrome-san. You were really cute before!"

"Thank you Larcade.", Chrome smiled and pats his head.

"Chrome-san.", Larcade happily said her name and looked like a dog wagging its tail.

Sting rolls his eyes while the girls smiled at them. "OK. It's getting late. You guys wanna eat something?"

"Uhm.", Chrome touches her stomach. "If Larcade wants to. He can go. I just wanna rest.". she turns to Minerva. "Minerva, I could use a pair of knee socks if you have em'. I just feel naked without them.", she giggles.

Minerva nods and gestures everyone to head out. "I got you. We'll take you to your room and we'll grab a bite. You sure you don't want anything?"

"Yeah. I'm good.", Chrome replied with a nod.

After that, they all left the room and lead Chrome to her and Larcade's room before leaving the guild's vicinity to eat. Although, they should have thought about what's going to happen.

Chrome was in the room's bathroom, staring at her own reflection on the mirror. She smiles and softly laughed. "The fourth night huh?", she whispered and touches the mirror. "God... What have we done to be forsaken?", the mirror cracked as she forces her palm on it and blood was smeared on the mirror. She smiles again and the aura around her darkened.

The Love He Deserved (A Larcade Dragneel x OC Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now