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Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words will hurt much more,
They make me afraid to be myself,
Lift my eyes up off the floor,
Sticks and stones may make me cry,
But words will leave me cold,
Never again believing,
The nice things that I'm told,
Sticks and stones may leave me bruises,
But words will leave me scars,
As I lock myself in the bathroom,
With a blade pressed to my arm,
Sticks and stones may make me ache,
But words will make me want to die,
To stop my time upon this earth,
And kiss the ground goodbye,
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words will leave me numb,
And the only ones to think otherwise,
Are the ones behind the gun.


A/N: I wish people would stop using their words as weapons and just think about the damage they cause.
//No one is ever alone❤️//

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