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❝truth is, I was doing a little late birthday shopping and I lost track of time. by the time I was finished, I knew there'd be no time to wrap the gifts, get dress and drive out here and be on time. it just wasn't gonna happen.❞ he explained as I narrowed my eyes at him. ❝i dunno...sophia told me you were talking to another girl and my inner jealous girlfriend is coming out now.❞ I told him.

he laughed and shook his head. ❝i may be dumb, but I'm not stupid. i mean, why would I ever jeopardize loosing the most beautiful little angel the world could see?❞ he complimented, as he lifted a fork full of strawberry up my mouth. I gave in, leaned forward, and ate the strawberry. moments later, finn leaned over the table, took me by the chin and gave me a slow-mo Justin bieber type of kiss.

when he was done, he only parted our lips, but he remained the distance he was before. ❝i love you.❞ he whispered. ❝i know.❞

❝so, my mom...was she a part of this too?❞ I asked finn as we started to finish our meal. ❝oh yeah, definitely. she's the one who let me in here.❞ he explained, taking a sip of his drink. he then cut me off just as I was about to say something. ❝oh, yeah. I have 1 more surprise for you.❞ he announced as he stood up f OK how seat. i pouted and took the hand he so kindly put off for me. ❝finn...I said I didn't want you spending money on me.❞ I reminded him.

❝and I said I was going to do it anyways.❞ he replied back, coming from behind me and, covering my eyes with his hands. i laughed as he he told me to start walking. then I laughed even louder once I felt him sniffing my neck. ❝mm, you smell like vanilla.❞ he told me. ❝stop stalling, Wolfhard and show me my cheesy gift.❞ I playfully told him. moments later, he moved his hands, revealing multiple bags on the floor, a balloon attached to every one. ❝how's this for cheesy?❞ he asked.

I stopped in my footsteps and covered my mouth in shock

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I stopped in my footsteps and covered my mouth in shock. ❝finn...❞ I mumbled behind my hands as my eyes began to water. I am turned on my heel and looked at him, smiling back at me. he then raised his hands up to my face and, wiped away my tears with his soft thumbs. ❝awh, baby please dont cry.❞ he whispered through his adorable smile. I sniffed my nose and smiled through my tears.
❝you're crazy.❞ I told him, as I embraced him in a hug. he snaked his at around my waist and kissed my shoulder. ❝only for you.❞ i hugged him tighter and accidentally inhaled some of his "big boy" cologne.

I hoped this didn't end anytime soon. but, like all good things, it did..

our hug was interrupted by an unwanted phone call. finn pulled back first, then took out his phone from his back pocket. at sight of the caller ID name, his eyes widened the he looked up at me with pleading eyes. I gave him an warm smile, knowing my heart was slowly breaking again. ❝go, go. I'm fine.❞ I assured him. he frowned and gave me a quick ❝I'm so sorry.❞ and, a kiss on the cheek before he grabbed his things and left, leaving with on last, ❝I'll make it up to you! I promise!❞ he yelled.

and there I stood, alone, in the middle of an empty hotel room, trying to convince myself that it'll all get better.

❝happy me.❞

internet friends // finn wolfhardحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن