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Finn x Millie

Finn: I fucked up so bad

Finn: please help me

Millie: what happened

Finn: okay so u remember the Hawaiian girl I was talking to?

Millie: sage, right?

Finn: yeah

Finn: I may or may not have forgot to mention that I'm "mike wheeler" and so she found out on her own when I showed her a picture of u and now she hates me

Millie: WTF FINN!! You told us u were gonna tell her

Finn: I WAS!!...eventually

Millie: u really did fuck up but she doesnt hate u

Finn: the last thing she said was, "goodbye mike"

Millie: DAAAMN! She pulled MY line haha yeah, she's pissed

Millie: but she doesnt hate u

Finn: then wtf do I do to get her back??

Millie: well, okay, this might be a stretch buuuut u could like fly out to see her?

Finn: wow yeah, great idea! No one will notice FINN WOLFHARD cascually flying 4000 miles away

Millie: look, u asked for my help

Finn: ugggggggh! Why r girls so complicated? Why can't she just accept my apology?

Millie: finnie boi, listen

Finn: listening...

Millie: u lead this girl to believe she was just talking to some random boy from Canada, saying random (embarrassing) things, telling corny jokes, sending hilarious selfies, etc

Millie: when in reality she was talking to "THE" Finn Wolfhard

Millie: I mean I would be beyond pissed and extremely embarrassed so I don't think an apology will make it better...

Finn: much are the tickets?

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