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tomorrow is my birthday, but I just can't spend another year alone (because I have 0 friends in this state). so, after weeks and weeks of persuasion, my parents agreed to fly me out to Riverdale, Toronto, to surprise everyone with my presence.

I'm about to throw up from all the nervous butterflies in my stomach right now. but, they'll only get bigger because I'm literally seconds away from the Five Guys finn told me they would be at. the ultimate scarest part is seeing them through the clear, glass window seperating us. because, realization hit me like a truck.

do it. just do it!!!!!!

I told myself, in hopes of actually doing it. then, without warning, I burst through the doors, my body filled with nothing but confidence and adrenaline. once I spotted them, I slowly and smoothly snuck up from behind their table and clamped my hands over Finn's eyes. ❝guess who.❞ I said. as soon as my voice came into focus, everyone at the table looked up at me but, gasped and covered their mouths instead of blurting out my name.

MOMMY!❞ jack yelled.

everyone goraned and yelled back at him and hit him in frustration. once finn heard my name, he immediately pulled my hands off his eyes and turned around with the quickness. immediately after seeing me, his eyes widened to its fullest and his face completely lit up with happiness. and before I knew it, he got up from his seat and embraced me in a painful, yet well-needed hug. i got on my tippy-toes in attempts to inhale his pine scent. his tender arms snaked around my waist, felt so comforting, I almost forgot where I was.

after, our hug, I then gave everyone else their own hug. then, I finally got asked the question they'll all been wanting to know, ❝what are you doing here?❞ their voices full of enthusiasm. ❝well, since finn flew all the way out to hawaii to see me, its only fair I returned the favor.❞ I told them, earning a kiss on the cheek from finn.

❝so how long are you staying?❞ jack asked. ❝well, school starts soon, so no longer than a week I believe.❞ I told them. sophia then quickly grabbed a hold of my hands and gave a wide smile. ❝oh my gosh, that's great. we'll be done filming the IT movie soon. so, then I can take you on a tour of the city, and we can get our nails done, oh! and there's this really good food truck about 2 blocks down from here.❞ she took a pause, to glance at finn. ❝I'm sure finn won't mind me stealing you, now would he?❞ she asked him, causing me to turn to him.

he knitted his eyebrows, ❝uh, actually I would, very much so.❞ then he continued on, pulling me out of Sophia's grasp in the process. I ended up being pulled into his chest, his arms snaking around my small physique. ❝as soon as were done filming, she's all mine.❞

internet friends // finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now