I am a Loser

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I'm Katelyn, I'm a nerdy teen loser. Everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong today. I hit the snooze button too many times. My mom yelled at me for wearing too many black colored clothes, as soon as I came out of my room. I forgot a binder at home, with homework that was due today. My friend that I normally hang out with in the mornings stayed home sick. I wasn't ready for a pop quiz and totally bombed it. The tuna casserole was gross in the cafeteria, I barely ate anything. I had to sit by myself since my friend stayed home and my other friend had a ASB meeting during lunch.

I could hear the popular girls behind me talking shit about me and my friend in my last class. I feel like killing myself right now. I am practically shaking with anxiety. I can't wait for today to be over with. Thankfully, today is Friday. I'm going to text my mom our code word. I haven't used it in months. Even if My mom and I are fighting, I can use my code word and it makes everything better.

I power on my phone and wait for it to start. No new message. Typical, no one cares.

Katelyn: Hi Mom, I've had the worst day at school. I'm coming home now. "Panda" (Our code word)

Mom: Ok, mommy will be here ready for you.

Katelyn: Thanks Mom. I'll be home in 10.

Mom: Okay.

I hate walking home by myself. I try not to pass anyone or make eye contact with others. I don't want to see anyone right now.

Finally, I'm home, tired and stressed out.

"Mom, I'm home."

"Come upstairs, mommy is waiting for you in the nursery."

I throw down my backpack, filled with all the stress of school and start walking up the stairs to the "Nursery".

My mom is there, on the small bed waiting for me. She motions for me to come sit down with her. I sit down on the bed and wrap my arms around her and start crying. I feel her warmth and love as she hold me and tells me everything is going to be okay and that she loves me. After five minutes I calm down, knowing what will come next is going to make everything better.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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