35) unlocked & go back

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They went to a room that Haruka herself didn't even know it existed. She has never been to the room and have also never heard about it even once.

Inside the room had another room that needs a passcode to open it. Dian pressed many numbers and letters that was unknown to her. But she remembered what Dian pressed.


The door slowly opened revealing a...
Author's POV

When the door opened, Haruka saw the room full of dusts and old things. But it reminded her of something that she just can't put in words.

She felt like she knows and Had been in the room for many times already. It just won't come out of her locked memories.

She looked around the room and then took a very dusty photo album. And when she opened it, she saw herself around 5 years of age with a boy with dark green hair and grey eyes. It was Dian Michaelis.

As she looked at the rest of the photos, all of it were pictures of her and Dian. And at the last page of the album, she saw a message that says, 'Shiina and Dian 20'

The lock disappeared and she remembered. She remembered all about Dian Michaelis. They were childhood friends and had known each other since birth and have been promised to marry each other.

It was only her that have forgotten everything. All of her memories came back except the memories of why she lost it.

"It was 10 years ago that a meteor fell on the star, on Kasumigastar." Dian started to explain.

-flashback- ~10 years ago~

It was a cloudy night. The usual night view on Kasumigastar. And like usual, each of the children's parents were all very busy with work.

And it was like that everyday for the little heir of the D.G.T.O. She was lonely but didn't say anything and have always been accompanied by his sole friend, Dian.

They went on stargazing even though it was cloudy around the mansion of the Galaxia family. And then after working hard to find one, they found a bright red one.

It was moving and was making the clouds make way for it. The two of them liked it. They became happy to see one that was moving thinking it was a falling star.

But then, it became closer and, it hit the roof of the house making the whole place explode. The whole house was destroyed including the big garden. Nothing but destroyed things were left.

And inside the broken things were trapped two little kids. One of the two, Dian, slowly opened his eyes only to see his self being protected by the small body of the bleeding Shiina and giant armor robots of the DES.

He was injured on his right hand and both of his feet but those injuries didn't worry him. He was more worried of the unconscious Shanne.

She was closer to where the meteor fell than him. He saw her back bleeding non-stop and had a large glass above it.

The glass was removed by the DES soldiers making the bleeding worst. More DES soldiers came to them as he slowly loss conscious.

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