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Harry Potter smiled at his friends and raised a glass of  firewhisky as they all toasted to the death of the dark lord, Voldemort. It was the day after the final battle and Harry was relieved that he would never have to deal with Voldemort again. He drained his glass.

"Another drink, sir?" asked a waiter who was carrying a tray of drinks. Harry smiled and nodded. He usually wasn't much of a drinker, but he had decided that Voldemort's death had been a good enough reason. Harry brought the glass to his lips as the waiter slipped away. All of a sudden, Harry dropped to the floor in pain. It felt like polyjuice potion, only worse. He gasped from the pain and felt swear drip down his forehead as the pain increased. It was pulsing throughout his body and causing his head to pound against his skull. Everybody screamed around him and several others bent down to help. 

"Somebody go get help!" Hermione screamed as she knelt next to Harry. Harry grabbed her hand and Hermione noticed that tears were pouring down his face.

"Mama!" Harry yelled. Hermione stared, when did Harry start crying for his mom? Suddenly a waiter picked him up.

"I'll take him to the hospital wing," he explained. Everybody watched anxiously as he entered the castle. But they didn't notice him sneak out and run away before disapperating away.  

Harry Potter as a BabyWhere stories live. Discover now