Alisa Hanes

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Nyx clambered into the house of the woman who had decided to take her under her wing, a bit annoyed due to the questions she had been throwing nonstop at her

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Nyx clambered into the house of the woman who had decided to take her under her wing, a bit annoyed due to the questions she had been throwing nonstop at her.

[earlier on the way to the lady's house...]

"Where's your parents?" She had asked.

Nyx smiled at her and only shrugged, though she was flowing with anger and emotions against her mother and she didn't care about who her father was.

"I'm Alisa Hanes, a protestor against racism of children based on their appearance." The woman had explained in her undying kind voice that would've melted Nyx Xenon if she wasn't already so tainted that she became completely stonehearted and tarnished as a killer.

"And I was a slave who was tortured nonstop..but I escaped." It wasn't a complete lie - but harmless enough to be confided into Alisa, as decided by the 13 year old. She said this with a small sheepish smile which was way too exaggerated and obviously fake, because Nyx Xenon didn't know how to smile - she only knew pain and suffering all her life.

To her relief, Alisa saw through it and gave her a pitiful and sorry smile.

"I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry. " Alisa said hurriedly.

"No it's okay..." Nyx said and they both went quiet for a while.

Alisa and Nyx became aware that people on the streets were taking note of the bloodstains on the girl's clothes, but Nyx had quickly covered her eyes with her bangs before anyone saw them, too. Alisa took off her long coat and handed it to Nyx who gratefully took it and covered herself and tried to smile, but her lips did not turn up, they wouldn't listen to her commands.

Oh perfect, I've forgotten how to even fake smile now, the girl thought bitterly, and she felt like killing everyone in the world in shame and annoyance.

[back to the present... at Alisa's house...]

"What's your name?" The brown haired lady asked all of a sudden.

"Oh..Nyx Xenon..." She said Xenon in a lowered voice as though the name was taboo.

"Ah I see.... that's a cute name." Alisa replied, her angelic smile plastered onto her face.

How does she manage to be so... happy and nice..?

Nyx quickly ignored the compliment before she got overwhelmed. Whatever, she thought.

"Nyx dear, I'll go get you some clothes, you can sit down on a chair over there," The generous brunette said, pointed at the chairs seemingly made of soft material and went into another room.

"Oh well, I guess I could take cover here till the heat dies down..." Nyx murmured softly before her face pulled up in a self satisfied smirk. {A/N I know I said she doesn't know how to smile, but by that I meant she didn't know how to feel happy in the warm and nice way, she just unknowingly makes psychotic grins to herself because she had an absolute sadist's mentality as an after effect of Kaimei's torturing}

*** a year later ***

Class was boring for Nyx Xenon. Everything the people in the outside world seemed to love and enjoy seemed like a shade of dull gray to the girl. She avoided people and people avoided her and it was as simple as that. She was odd to them because of her strange dark grey hair, pale skin and most unusual of all, black visors that completely obscured her eyes from the people outside her small world, and she behaved strangely. One time the estranged student was said to be caught in the bathroom while she was dragging a compass on her palm and other frightened girls reported that she was laughing in the most inhumane way possible.

Nyx Xenon did not care what the world thought of her. She did not care whether one was dead or alive and she behaved like a zombie. What they longed the most was to see what was hidden behind her visors. She finishes school and simply returns to Alisa Hanes, her new guardian's house to do nothing in particular.

"Hey, Nyx! Want some rice?" Alisa cried from the kitchen.

"Nah I'm good.." The teenager said in a bored voice before she retreated to her room to grab her mp3 player (gifted by Alisa which she hesitantly accepted) and play some extremely disturbingly gory sounding songs.

"That kid needs help for sure..." Alisa murmured worriedly.

She'd spoken to Nyx's teachers and found her performance extremely low and she was socially unhealthy to the extremes and she wasn't normal. Her art teacher shivered as she handed Nyx's paintings to the brunette.

The painting was greys and reds. A dark gray background with a black floor-like surface. A girl's shadow was drawn and colored in crimson, seemingly holding a bloody knife, as the drops falling from the knife indicated. Alisa looked at the painting in horror before trying to convince herself that Nyx cannot be this abnormal.

When Alisa got back home she entered the young teenager's room after knocking and then opening the door gently.


The girl looked up from her book and removed her headsets.

"Yes?" She tried to hide her annoyance.

"I gotta talk to you." Alisa said and twiddled her fingers.

When Nyx came outside Alisa beckoned her to sit on the chair.

Oh here goes again..., Nyx thought.

She shoved a paper into Nyx's face and the surprised girl picked it up and instantly recognized it.

"Oh..this..." Nyx's face turned up in a smirk. "It's a scene from the story we were studying about in English."

Alisa began to click her tongue. "No it isn't - you know it well, don't you? Your teachers spoke to me today."

Nyx sighed in defeat. Why are these people so annoying?

"Kill her."

Nyx almost gasped in surprise when she heard the voice that was lying dormant inside her until just then.

"She's gonna pry into your background and find out who you are."

Nyx looked away from Alisa, and she was very glad that her visors hid her telltale eyes.

"'s just had it on my mind as the only thing I could think of...." Nyx lied through her teeth. She'd gotten better at it.

"Nyx, you're grounded."

"WHAAAT?" Nyx almost yelled.

"No, just kidding...." Alisa smiled at her mischievously for a 20 year old. She decided to let the teenager be.

The 14 year old sighed in relief and went back to her room, sensing that the danger was over, and went back into the world of a gory book that Alisa Hanes did not know about.

She smiled upon seeing the words "bloody and crimson", and cringing when cheesy parts came.

'Blech..' She would mutter.

"Oh well, only a few days till I have to bear this Alisa woman, and then I shall see red once more..." Nyx said to herself happily.

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