The drive

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"Get her in." A man dressed in white said.

"After we fasten belts on her so she doesn't 'try' anything." Another said.

"Fine. Hurry up."

The first man took Nyx's hands and cuffed them together.

"Oh my........." Nyx murmured. "What's this? This looks different from the ones in the torture room and they don't have those spikes on the side which my skin touches." She said with a hazy expression and a slurry voice filled bloodlust (if voices could have bloodlust lol)

The men ignored her and put belts around her arms and tightened them painfully.

"Ow...Hey........Hey........stop that....." Nyx said in her strange croaky voice. She smiled and giggled. "I don't mind if you show me your red. Show me...will you...?"

"You're really nuts huh.." The man handling her said. He suddenly smacked her hard on the face, causing her head to be thrown back to the side. She winced and slowly turned her head back to them, grinning like a maniac.

"Hey......." She began in that voice again, though the next words were filled with anger, annoyance and rage. "That hurt.....What was that even for........I'll kill you..."

Another slap on her face. The girl's head went to the side once more with the force. When she faced the men again, her eyes were gleaming red.

"Hey you, hurry up with those belts." The big man said to the one fixing belts onto Nyx's entire body.

"This girl's giving me the creeps. Look at those eyes. Someone injected chemicals into them."

The man fixing the belts quickened his pace.

"Hey, easy..." Nyx said groggily.

"Don' worry kid, they'll be fixed tighter after you wear the Aylum prisoner uniform."

"Wha-Whaaat? ...Oh.." Nyx murmured. She smirked at them as they loaded her into the van. They grimaced and cringed and quickly shut the door on her, while also leaving a guard inside.

"Hey hey hey hey...." Nyx said to the person guarding her, who looked up from his phone at her in alarm.

"Wh-what..?" He replied hurriedly. "I'm not allowed to converse with mad prisoners."

"Do you men ever get your eyes off those annoying beeping machines called phones?" Nyx asked with a smirk and narrowed eyes.

"Um...." The man had no idea what to reply to that.

"Undo my hands, will ya?" The girl begged.

"Shut up. We never unstrap prisoners - God knows what might happen." The guy snapped at her.

"But I gotta....fix the dress..." Nyx said with a glance at the shoulder of her top which was falling down.

"Will you shut up?" He said with a perverted glance at her bare shoulder for a brief second (author san is giggling here as she writes this).

"Unnnghhhh! But my shoulder~" Nyx whined like a 5 year old.

"ARGH FINE!" The man said, losing his temper, and unstrapped her arms, but keeping a close eye on what she was doing. She fixed her shoulder and kept her hands folded in her lap, so he didn't bother redoing it again and just let her be so he could go back to his game of ball on a virtual world. Nyx smiled, realizing this.

She looked around for some kind of distraction. There was a small light bulb in the back of the van where she was being held, so the guard could see what prisoners were doing. But this guard was quite careless.

Fatal mistake...

Nyx smiled at herself and she used the loose belt lying at her side in one quick flash to smash the lightbulb, engulfing the place in absolute darkness like she did at Kaimei's mansion. The guard dropped his phone in alarm and it broke into three parts - the battery, cover and body were scattered and the darkness did no good at all.

"YOU BRAT!-" The man cried out when he was hit on the back of his head by Nyx with the belt's heavy buckle. Nyx was still calmly sitting down, only her arms unbound. She quickly undid the ones on her legs, feeling around in the darkness for the guard's weapon before trying the door to see if it was unlocked.

"Aw darn...locked from the outside." She muttered, annoyed.

The van stopped, because the driver heard the now unconscious man's loud yell from a few seconds back. Nyx waited until the door was open and she lunged at the men opening it with the guard's pistol held in her hands.

"YAURGH!" Nyx screamed and started shooting nonstop at whoever stood in the way. She started laughing loudly as the men were hit in the chest and head and on their shoulders, sides and legs. They fell, dead, in a bloody mess.

" pretty....." Young Xenon muttered and simply trampled over the corpses and walked off into nowhere but a dark alley, and clambered into a giant box waiting there for dawn to come.



Nyx Xenon woke up to the shrill scream of a woman who'd opened the lid of the huge box to put in some trashbags when she saw a small girl sleeping inside in raggedy and bloody clothes.

"Oh dear!" The woman cried. "Who are you, filthy child?"

Someone heard the woman screaming and came to find a girl with the scariest eyes lying inside the empty box that was left outside for trash in the alley.

"Hey, shut up, it's only a girl." The newcomer said sternly to the one who had been screaming.

"Sh-she's covered in blood...and her..eyes.." The woman stammered.

"It must be some effect caused by an accident or something which also probably explains the blood....but this young girl definitely needs a home." The second woman said in a soft and warm voice at the end.

"H-hello..?" Nyx said innocently to them. She winced as she shifted from her uncomfortable fetal position she had bee lying in while in the box.

"Dear..are you alright?" the woman asked in a genuinely concerned voice as the cleaning woman quietly slipped away.

"I-I'm fine..." The young girl said softly in an innocent orphan façade.

The woman helped her climb out of the box and when Nyx tried to stand her legs collapsed in a heap - though she wasn't pretending this one.

Oh great. Nyx thought, annoyed.

"I'm sorry...I must've stayed like that so long my legs are paralyzed due to lack of circulation and fell asleep." Nyx apologized to the kindly lady.

"That's fine. I'll help you. Now let's get you over to my home and I'll take care of you. You need help and I like helping kids. I'm a racism protestor after all!" The lady said and led Nyx to her home.

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