Important Author's Notes [Not a chapter, but please read]

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First, I'd like to say thank you to the few people who have read my writing thus far. I like the feedback I'm getting and I'd appreciate even more. :) Even critical comments I enjoy because they help show my strengths and weaknesses as a writer, and they help a lot. So thanks.

Second, I'd like to emphasize the plot a little better. The synopsis is still under revision, for the obvious reason that I am not portaying my plot all that clearly. Despite the title, the main focus of the story is basically the concept of 'Coming of age' and 'being yourself' while expressing individuality, and that's the message I'm trying to send in this piece. Her talent as a singer and the romance portion is really only the supporting details of the overall message, which is to rise above society's social norms and to be who you really want to be, despite the opinions of others.

Lastly, I want reiterate the purpose of feedback. I already have a plot outline for this story, but I am questioning if I should take the path I have laid out. I would like to know how you, the readers, think this will end, based on what you know about the plot and the overall meaning mentioned above. Based on your feedback, I might change my current ending to this piece. (No, not copy your ideas! But based on your ideas, I'll be able to get a feel for the characters you like and the storyline you're invisioning). Comment below please!

Thank you. :)


Hold Me Too Tight (previously Angel of Music; ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now