I've Seen Your Videos

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You awkwardly made your way into the room. Marzia jumped towards you and hugged you suddenly.

"I love your channel! How do you get bands to do all that stuff?" You don't reply for a good thirty seconds. Wait. Cutiepiemarzia watches your shitty videos? And what the hell were you doing!? You were supposed to be telling these people off and getting sleep! But... telling off fellow Youtubers. You couldn't do that.

"Y-you watch my vids?" You stammer, looking around at Pewdie, Mary, Ken, and that hood guy. But now he'd taken the hood off. He looked tired, clutching a beer and sitting beside the Swedish gamer who seemed to be playing something. The man kept himself away from the camera, but added a few things here and there. His voice rang a bell, too. Marzia nodded with an adorable smile. What the hell were you doing.

"You're a 'tuber too?" The tired man asked, looking up. He ran a hand through his messy brown hair and took a swig of beer. You struggle to find your voice for a moment, distracted by his.

Hey guys, and welcome to Cry plays Papo y Yo.

So that was who he was. Cryaotic. The guy who dropped panties with just his voice. You grow nervous, aware that hardly anyone knew his face. Yet now you did. He waved his hand, awaiting a reply.

"Yeah. I do shit with bands. Mostly stupid stuff... I baked a cake blindfolded with the drummer of Vampire Weekend." You shrug a little, still feeling awkward here. Pewdiepie looked up from the laptop.

"Ah. We should watch your vids." His suggestion made you grunt. You still wanted to sleep. But Cry's nod and sudden interest forced you to sit down beside Mary, CTK's lover. You helped name a few of your better videos; singing Madonna with Walk the Moon crammed in your bathroom and the older one of you pushing Tyler from Neon Trees in a shopping cart across a parking lot. They both earned a laugh from Cry and Pewds.

It had hit three in the morning by the time Cry moved from his couch to yours. Only slightly intoxicated, he introduced himself as Ryan the "Cry guy". You smile and yawn, allowing him to explain that Felix and Marzia had flown over to finally meet him, while Ken and Mary simply joined in. He made a point about having to be "the damn 5th wheel". But you needed sleep to meet Imagine Dragons and Two Door Cinema Club tomorrow.

"Thanks for letting me in...?" You yawned. Cry looked a little sad.

"You're next door right? I'll come visit tomorrow." He suddenly replys, lifting his beer. "Okay?" In your tired state, you nod.

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