Beginning of an Uncertain Future

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The next morning, breakfast was once more a quiet affair. The nations looked more tired than awake, and America supposed they were saving that for the rides back to their countries. Though that was only an hour until they had to go to the airport for their respective rides back to their countries.

It didn't matter to America. Just as long as they got out of her and her children's hair for the holidays, she's fine with that.

For breakfast, they were having a more nutritious meal, consisting of fruit and omelet. Some states were having their's plain, while others had their omelet filled with meat or even cheese. America was just have a plain omelet, and she drank some coffee, which wasn't sweetened.

God she hates sweetened coffee, despite what the others thought.

Afterwards, when they were finished with breakfast and getting ready to see the nations off, America asked, "Do you have everything you brought here? I would hate to see your reactions when you realize that you left one or more of your belongings here."

All of them shook their heads, meaning they've double checked.

Well, at least they used their heads for once.

"Well, I hope you have a safe trip back and that your time here was pleasant. Now, off you go. Your plane's leave in about another hour."

Every nation nodded before they rushed to the limo, like they were desperate to get away from here. America didn't blink at this though, and she continued to watch as the limo drove off until it was completely out of sight. That was when she finally sighed in relief.


America turned to her children, who were watching her expectedly. She smiled. "Is there anything else you want to do today?"

"How about we go to a rodeo?" Texas suggested.

"How about the beach again?" Florida and Hawaii.

"The movies?" Colorado and Alaska.

"Water park?" California.

"Picnic?" North and South Carolina.

"Please agree on something you all want to do, please," America suggested. Eventually they decided the water park, choosing to go in separate groups so they don't draw too much attention.


The limo was quiet on the way to the airport, and some nations were about to go insane in a minute. Germany was clenching and unclenching his fist, Italy was fidgeting in his seat, Romano was biting his lip, and even France looked like he wanted to smash his head through the window.

But, the latter instead smacked England upside the head, which finally drew the unresponsive man out of his stupor.

"Ow! Bloody wanker, what was that for?!"

France stared at England evenly. "I'd rather not have to argue with you Angleterre. But I have to admit zhat all his was your fault."

"My fault?!"

"Oui, and if you hadn't said zhose horrible zhings about Amerique's mother, zhen we wouldn't be in zhis mess. And you seem to have forgotten zhat you were also bad-mouthing Matthieu's mother."

England flinched, but said nothing else.

"You better not go unresponsive on us again. It's time when we get back to our countries zhat you learn to take zhings like a man. We all need zhat lesson it seems, except for Japan."

Japan didn't make any comment. He was too busy staring out the window, like he wanted to be anywhere but here or just wanted the airport to come faster so he wouldn't have to deal with them.

"And vhat do jou mean by zhat France?" Germany asked wearily.

"Quite obvious really. We've all been fools, and now we must pay zhe price for it in one way or anozher. Not to mention we all know what zhe other is now feeling for Amerique and even her children."

Clearly everyone hated where this was going.

"We are all in love, and hard too, for zhe wrong woman. What pathetic fools we have turned ourselves into."

They were quiet throughout the rest of the ride, and even when they arrived at the airport, they rushed to their respective gates, desperate to be away from one another and back in the safety of their countries.

Thankfully for them they were allowed to board and to wallow in self-pity even after their planes took off.

And on each plane, they thought to the time when they were ordered to stay at America's place for a couple of weeks, when they found out of America's true gender, personality, to the way she truly viewed them, and the rest of their stay there.

Not to mention finding out that some of them were fathers.

America would never trust them, not after all they've done to her, and it was clear that she would rather dismember herself than allow the ones she didn't trust near her children.

Most of them were fools from the very beginning, and they were supposed to be the older countries.

What the hell happened to them?! They were adults, not children!

Either way, they all knew only two things.

One: They fucked up, terribly.

And two: They're in love with a woman they can never have.


Back at America's mansion, America was wringing out her wet hair and was changing into one of her spaghetti-strap nightgowns. It was night time now, and her children had once more retired early from the amount of fun they had at the water park nearby.

And boy, what a trip.

As soon as they arrived, a few of them had been flogged by a few boys and girls, the latter who were drooling at the sight of Texas and the boys, and the boys were in the same predicament with the girls. Though, the reason they stayed away was because of the opposite genders accompanying them.

And, some of them fainted when they watched them have fun on the stimulated surfing park, when the more busty girls passed by, or even when they just swam. America had to resist laughing herself to death when she saw that.

But still, what a day. Now she doesn't have to deal with nations for a couple more weeks! That meant more time to prepare for the holidays and spending time with her children.

As she placed the wet towel in her laundry basket, America felt a hand upon her shoulder. Smiling, she glanced down to see a familiar masculine and silver-skinned hand. And when she turned fully around, her sky blue eyes came into contact with silver orbs.

She smiled. "Fancy meeting you here Iamar."

Iamar, the Spirit King of the Moon, bowed to her. "And with you my dear." He held out his hand. "Now, shall we?"

America smiled even bigger now, and she didn't hesitate to take his hand, allowing him to pull her into his world.

The End

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