The Aloha State

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Later that night, Japan was reading his manga to waste time before he heads to bed, although he knew that he was going to need all the sleep he would be able to get, for tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Sure, he was a little peeved that America was ordering him to clean the entirety of the mansion with the other nations as punishment, but didn't complain, for he admired the way America didn't pick favorites. Though she didn't let Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, and Florida in on the punishment, they were allowed to help, but their siblings would need to do all the work themselves.

Then there was the fact that the nations were under the threat of returning to the basement, or going to it in Italy, Germany, and Japan's case. Japan didn't know what happened down there, but knew it was anything but pleasant, especially if the other nations' frightened and nightmare-induced sleeps were any indication.

Just the thought of that sent a wave of fear through Japan.

Then a knock came at his door, startling him so much that he threw his manga in the air. Thankfully it didn't make a sound when it landed, but that was because it landed on the bed.

The Asian country didn't answer the door immediately, but when another knock came, the person sounded uncertain and even a little frightened. Japan then hurried to the door and opened it, revealing a little girl with thigh-length black hair, almond-shaped dark brown eyes, tan skin, and a headpiece sewn with what appeared to be pure seashells in her hair.

For a moment, the two of them stared at each other, stunned for different reasons. The girl was the first to look away, the color red making its way to her cheeks. She then looked down at the hall, at two other people that Japan couldn't see.

They were a boy and girl, the latter who had long dark brown hair held up in a braid, sky blue eyes, tan skin, and wearing farmer's clothing, while the former possessed long and braided black hair, tan skin, brown eyes, and a muscular body. The both of them gave encouraging smiles to the younger girl before disappearing to their own rooms.

The girl gulped, looking back up to a stunned Japan while clutching either her suitcase or the hems of her dress. Then, she spoke.

"A-Aloha...Mr. Japan. M-May I come in? I'm to be...sharing a room w-with you."

That seemed to snap the older man out of his stupor, because he nodded and allowed her to come in. The girl rushed inside, setting her suitcase near the extra bed in the room, pulled out her utensils and pajamas, and rushed to the bathroom, once more leaving behind a stunned Japan.

When she was finished, Japan asked, "Who are you?"

The girl didn't answer for a moment, worrying her lower lip for a second or so. Then she whispered, "Hawaii."

It was a good thing that the bed was near Japan, especially when he blacked out, leaving the girl to freak out for a moment.

"Oh no! Makuahine!"

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