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jeffatkins | had to capture this beautiful moment before we go to @cheerstojess ' party #bestfriend #lit #americasnexttopmodel #inkwell101 likes | 42 comments

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jeffatkins | had to capture this beautiful moment before we go to @cheerstojess ' party #bestfriend #lit #americasnexttopmodel #inkwell
101 likes | 42 comments

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itsmathilda : why did you use a filter from instagram?

jeffatkins : it looks good #dontjudgeme @itsmathilda

mount.gomery_ : DAMNNNNNNNN BABY, you can hit me up anytime anywhere

dempzee : fuck off @mount.gomery_

brycemoney23 : girl, let me get a piece of your hot body!

dempzee : fuck off @brycemoney23

cheerstojess : YAY! can't wait to see you there! IT'S GOING TO BE SO LITTTTT @itsmathilda

tylerdownphotography : nice angle to capture a beautiful object

tylerdownphotography : but that's not a really good filter to use

t0ny.padilla : stop being a creep dude @tylerdownphotography

alex.standall : no one cares @tylerdownphotography

dempzee : fuck off @tylerdownphotography

tylerdownphotography : i feel so attacked right now...

itsmehannahbaker : see you there! @itsmathilda

clayjensen0713 : where are you jeff? why are you late to the party?

jeffatkins : we are not late, you're the one who came a little bit too soon @clayjensen0713

heyy_sheri : see you there girl, the party is going to be so fun now! @itsmathilda

rryan_shaverr : everything is goals, from head to toe, damn mami! teach me your way @itsmathilda

prezmarcuscole : damn girl... looking hot as always

dempzee : fuck off @prezmarcuscole

jeffatkins : i think you took your job way too serious bro lol @dempzee

dempzee : what do you mean? i have to practice from now on so i can replace you and protect matty when you are gone

jeffatkins : relax, i'm not going anywhere anytime soon 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

itsfoley : i guess i will see you there? @itsmathilda

jeffatkins : lol you wish @itsfoley

dempzee : fuck off @itsfoley

brycemoney23 : ^^^ justin foley 2.0

mount.gomery_ : ^^^^^ LOL LOL LOL

alex.standall : ^^^ dumb and dumber 2.0

jeffatkins : ^^^^ lol

itsmathilda : don't play with your phone while you're driving idiot

courtney.crimsen : looking good as usual, see you at the party mat! @itsmathilda

brycemoney23 : baby, let's get drunk tonight and have some fun with me! you won't regret it 😏😏 @itsmathilda

itsfoley : you won't take 'no' for an answer... lol @brycemoney23

brycemoney23 : just look after your girlfriend bro, stop meddling with my life @itsfoley

moung.gomery_ : true dat ^^^

dempzee : fuck off guys @brycemoney23 @mount.gomery_ @itsfoley

brycemoney23 : stop commenting dempsey @dempzee

mount.gomery_ : yeah, dempsey! stop it @dempzee

dempzee : NEVER @brycemoney23

short chapter hehe.

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