"Not really, not like he was talking to you," Carla pouted looking at Pauline who was also looking at me.

"Well there's a bonfire tonight so maybe that'd be your chance. We'll just sit closer to the fire this time," I suggested, giving them a bit of hope.

The two girls nodded but then Calum started speaking, stealing our attention. "Can I have five girls who are willing to climb the wall first?"

Only four girls immediately got up so I sighed and lifted myself up, walking to the front.

"Perfect," Calum yelled once we were all hooked up and holding onto two of the colored rocks. "When I blow the whistle, well you know what to do, right?" I looked back at him and nodded, clearly knowing what to do.

I used to do these all the time back in Pennsylvania when I went out with friends. There was a place in town that wasn't expensive in the slightest so why not?

When Calum blew the whistle, I stepped onto one of the lower rocks, pushing my body up to grab a hold of one of the higher rocks. I repeated my actions over and over, finding this course to be a bit easier than to what I'm used to. The rocks seemed to be in the right place at the right time, making me climb quickly up the hundred foot structure. Soon enough, I was at the top and pressing the button that made the alert sound.

"Nice job!" I heard from below but I couldn't piece it into who it was. I smiled wide and grabbed the rope that was keeping me up, pushing off the rocks and slowly coming down. When I made it to the bottom, Dave walked over to me and unhooked me before patting me on the back.

I looked back at the wall and noticed about two of the girls only about three fourths of the way up the wall and the other two struggling, only half way through.

"That was awesome," Calum exclaimed, giving me a hard high five. I shook my hand in slight pain, but played it off, balling my hand into a fist.
"Yeah, that actually was pretty sweet!" An unfamiliar voice complemented me, making my head snap towards it. Luke stood next to Calum with a wide grin on his face, and holding out his fist. I laughed lightly before bumping it with my already balled hand, trying not to blush but probably failing horribly. I stood there for a moment before Luke spoke up, "So are you going to the bonfire tonight?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, what time is it at?"

"I believe around eight thirty," Calum said uncertainly, tapping his chin.

"Yeah, that sounds just about right. It'll be fun," Luke added, digging his hands into his jean pockets

"Alright, I'll defiliently be there!" I looked over to Carla and Pauline whose eyes were popping out of their skulls, watching me carefully.

I grinned brightly, giving them both another high five before going back to my seat.

As soon as I sat down, Carla didn't waste another heartbeat before saying, "Explain."

About an hour later, after watching everyone go through the rock climbing wall and going through a course that would be identical to one in the future, I soon found myself walking to the Cafeteria for a bite to eat and a bottle of water. Even though it was chilly in the morning, by no means was it chilly in the afternoon.

"Hi, sweetheart. You hungry?" I looked up at Marlene who was sitting behind the front counter.

"Erm, kind of. I was wondering if I could have a blueberry muffin and a bottle of water," I questioned, trailing off at the end.

"Absolutely, of course!" I watched her turn around and disappear into the back. She came back a moment later with a wrapped up muffin and a cold water bottle in her hand, "Here you go."

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