Chapter 2

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"C'mon," I grabbed Marley's wrist and pulled her along with me as I ran. We ducked under the bar for cover. I tried to calm her down, but it was to no avail.

Three glasses that were sitting on the bar shattered as they were shot straight through. Multiple bullets went into the bar and I decided we had to keep moving.
I pulled her along with me towards the outskirts of the room. I tried not to watch as bodies dropped all around me. A shot hit the floor we where we had been a moment ago.
"Run," I told her when on for the gunmen dropped to the floor from their position and started running after us.

He started shooting at our fleeing figures and kept running towards us. Another two gunshots, I was hit in the foot. Pain that would have brought me to my knees overcame me, but I had to keep going.
Three more shots missed.
One more shot, I was hit in the lower thigh. I couldn't keep going. I did my best to keep hobbling towards the door to get out, but my vision was starting to blur. I saw Marley make it out and was glad she was safe.

The problem was, I wasn't.
The gunman can closer to me while I hobbled away from him. I thought I was going to die. No, I knew I was.
Just then, another pair of feet hit the floor between us and I looked and saw the Black Canary. She started to fight him while I continued getting away from them at my slow rate.

Around twenty yards from the door, another gunman hit my shoulder from across the room and I collapsed from pain. I felt my head slam against the ground. It felt like my entire body was on fire; I couldn't go on. My vision went in and out of focus.
I saw what I guessed was the Green Arrow fighting the man who just shot me, but I was only seeing a green blur.

A few yards in front of me, my attention was pulled back to the Black Canary and the gunman when I heard him connect a kick with her head. She hit the floor and he stood over her hurt body.

She didn't hesitate to grab his leg and flip him onto his back. He hit the ground with a loud thud and her mask also flew down. I didn't think she noticed, but the man couldn't see her anyway as she went around his body and kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

She then rushed to where I was collapsed on the floor.

"Are you hurt?"

"I- um I-" I tried to tell her that I was shot, but the words wouldn't come out. I looked up at her.

"I- Laurel?"

Her eyes widened and she raised a hand to her face and felt the area around her eyes only to feel that her mask was gone.

"Laurel? What's happening?" I managed.

"It's alright. You're safe. I'll explain everything later," she said, though from her look I had a feeling everything was not alright.

Even so, the adrenaline that was going through me was losing its effect and I was starting to lose consciousness.

She started to pull me into her arms to get out of there. I blacked out as she started to run.

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Laurel's POV

I picked up my little cousin's limp body and got the hell out of there.

"Oliver!" I yelled as he ran out from the other end of the building.

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