Chapter 1

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Natalie Lance always knew she wasn't normal, she's lived with her cousins and uncle for just over two years. Her parents died when she was 11 in the particle accelerator explosion.

They had been working in star labs with their friends Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raymond, and Cisco Ramon when they were forced to go into the accelerator with Ronnie to locate the problem. The accelerator had exploded while they were in there, her parents had died but somehow Ronnie made it out as a metahuman. He soon died in an explosion while he was fighting as a metahuman called Firestorm who had powers to use fire to propel himself upwards and to shoot at criminals when fighting.

Natalie was then put under the care of her Uncle Quentin. She has lived with him and grown up with her cousins Sara and Laurel who have become as close to her as sisters.

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Natalie's POV

"You look great," Laurel said, coming up behind me while I was getting ready for some event that I didn't even understand.

"I don't feel great," I grumbled and tried to move whatever in my dress was poking my back.

"Remind me again why we have to go to this?"

She sighed, "Because, Queen Consolidated is throwing their annual party and we always go."

But was it always going to be on my birthday? Last year had been my first time going, and I didn't care that it was on my birthday because it seemed exciting. This year, I knew it wasn't.

"Almost ready in here?" Sara stuck her head in my doorway.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Not feeling it? Relax, you'll be fine once you get to the food," she smiled and came with me downstairs along with Laurel.

"You girls look great," Uncle Quentin said when we got to the kitchen.

"Thanks," we all said in unison and I smiled weakly. At least I would be there with them, though they would most likely be involved in conversations immediately.

"Will we be back by eleven?" I asked hopefully. We had a tradition of celebrating everyone's birthday on the minute they were born, no matter what time it was. I was born at 11:09, so I didn't want to miss turning fourteen.

"Don't worry, we'll make it with plenty of time," Sara assured me.

We all left in Laurel's gold car with her driving and me at shotgun since it was my birthday. Sara and my uncle were in the backseat for a change.

I turned on the radio and flipped through a few stations and stopped on Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

Sara, Laurel, and I then spent the next five minutes singing at the top of our lungs while Uncle Quentin pretended to be annoyed.

"Come on dad, we know you love this song!" Sara said.

"No, I don't," he insisted.

"Yes you do!" I told him.

"Finally, its over," he said happily as the song ended.

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