Riza's POV

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"Always remember that someone is out there, fighting for you. Always remember them, no matter what." ~Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica)


"Hey there, Riza." Havoc's deep voice resounds through the otherwise silent room, accompanied by his large military boots against the wooden floor. I sigh and avert my glance from my book, giving him my attention. "What are you doin tonight?"

"I have no plans," I inform him casually, blowing my bangs from my face. My hair has gotten pretty long, just past my ears. I decided to grow it out a while ago, though, that didn't change the fact that it felt odd.

"Really?" For whatever reason, the man sounds somewhat surprised. "It's a Friday night! Pretty girl like you should-"

"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't flirt with my 2nd Lieutenant, Havoc," Roy states stiffly from his desk. "I find it distracting." I glance over there, sensing his cold black eyes staring at us already. He looked so stern.

"What's your problem, Roy?" Havoc smirks. He had this sly look on his face as he leaned against a desk, while I, on the other hand, have no idea what they could possibly be yammering about. "Jealous?"

"I would treat my outranking officer with more respect if I were you," Roy snaps, warning in his tone. What's his problem, anyways? Bored, I return to the book I was reading. I finished all the paperwork for today, so I was kind of messing around until they could finally let me go home.

"Anyways," Havoc grins stupidly, returning to me and leaving Roy to look annoyed. "There's a new pub downtown. Wanna come with?"

"Sure," I shrug, after I clarify that I have no plans. "As long as you don't get drunk and make me carry you back to HQ, I'm perfectly fine with that."

"No promises." Havoc's grin widens, which reminds me so much of what Roy does when he talks to me. Except, and don't you dare tell Roy, Roy gave it a more attractive sort of look. It was effortless, as well...

"Hey!" Roy calls from his desk, snapping me out of my muddled and jumbled thoughts. "I want to go, as well." Havoc smirks a sly smirk and teases his commanding officer.

"Why?" he muses, making gestures with his arms so as to add onto more effect for this small little sentence. "So you can be with Riza?"

"NO!" Roy immediately denies, his pale cheeks tinged pink. Could that be... blush? I've never seen him blush before. "I...uh...just haven't been out much, is all."

"Sure," Havoc mutters, but doesn't deny the request. He lazily hops onto the desk, but slides off and crashes to the ground. Roy snickers, but Havoc continues on as if nothing happened. "As soon as Bradley lets us off."

I smile a little bit as I continue to read the book. I was just starting to zone out when the door opens and Brigadier General Grande was towering above us.

"You're off the clock," he tells us gruffly. There was no humour about him. It was sort of scary to be in his presence. "I suggest returning to your sleeping quarters quickly."

"Why so urgent?" Roy asks skeptically, standing up from that comfortable chair he just loved so much. "Something goin on?"

"Rumors are saying that there's a mass murderer running about," Grande informs us. "But we're on it, so don't get involved."

"Kay, whatever," Havoc yawns, disregarding the rude tone that the Basque was speaking to us in. I mean, just because we're ranked beneath him doesn't mean we don't deserve respect as well. "Ready to go?" I put my book back onto my desk and stand up in reply, stretching my tense leg and back muscles.

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