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"this coffee is disgusting. i want my money back."

lea habicht snapped. her eye twitched. her nostrils flared. she turned around to face the man standing at the counter with a smile. she had enough of this dude.

"i'm sorry sir, but you've come in here everyday for the past four days and order the same drink every time," lea said boldly. "and complaining every time isn't going to change how the coffee tastes or how we make it. so i suggest you go elsewhere—"

"hey! hey!" lea's manager, jihoo, rushed to her side and put a hand on her shoulder. he gave the man a smile. "i'm so sorry for lea here. i'll give you a refund and a milk tea on the house."

"milk tea, eh?" the man considered, rubbing his chin. "alright, but i don't want her to make it." he glared at lea.

lea held the urge to roll her eyes as she gave the rude man his money back and jihoo made him a nice cup of milk tea. "have a nice day and don't come back!" lea shouted as the man exited the shop.

"lea!" jihoo yelled. "that was very unprofessional of you."

"i'm sorry, sunbae, i couldn't help it. he was an asshole."

"asshole or not, he's still a customer and the customer is always right."

lea sighed and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "look, lea," said jihoo, "you're new here and i do like you, but you've got to learn how to deal with people with a smile on your face. i won't fire you... this time, but only because i'm not done being your guide here in korea."

"well, at least i can speak korean. isn't that enough?"

"no. your american habits are too weird. i'm here to fix that."

"aish, alright alright. i'll try to control my temper," lea huffed. "thanks for being a friend to me."

"anytime," jihoo ruffled lea's hair. he glanced at the door and turned back to lea. "i gotta go take care of the deliveries. go help that guy and, please, try not to scare him away."

lea rolled her eyes and straightened herself out, plastering a bright smile on her face as a man approached the counter.

"annyeonghaseyo. how may i help you?"

"ah, annyeong," the man scratched his head. "i'm actually not sure what i want. it's my first time here. can you pick for me?"

"oh, uh... well i don't know you; i don't know what you like."

"i like almost everything," he gave her a gummy smile. "surprise me."

"well, because i don't know what you like, i'm gonna give you what i like."

"and what's that?"

"might i suggest a cool, refreshing milk tea and some warm cinnamon sugar donut holes. they're the best things to ever exist."

"don't suggest it, give it to me!"

he smiled widely and moved over to the other counters where stools were lined up for people to sit and enjoy their donuts as lea prepared the order for him. she brought his food over to him with a smile.

"you're just in time," lea said happily, "the baker just finished making these. i stole some for myself."

"eating the merchandise, you naughty girl," the man shook his head as he popped a donut hole into his mouth. "you were right. these are the best things to ever exist."

lea continued to watch the man eat, in awe of how attractive he was. she didn't want to make it a big deal of how attractive he was, but she was always a sucker for guys with cool hair and this dude's mint green hair definitely won her over.

"yah! why are you staring at me? at least try to make conversation with me."

"huh? sorry." lea shook herself out of her reverie. "i should go back to work. there's way too many customers."

the man looked around the empty shop. "where? are they next door at the ramen place?"

"yah!" lea reached over the counter to hit the man on his arm.

he jumped back, clutching the arm she had hit. "aish, woman! didn't anyone tell you not to hit customers?"

"lea, i warned you about controlling your temper."

lea groaned as jihoo came back out to check on her, who had heard the man's complaint.

"sorry, please don't be mad at her," the man laughed. "i was just joking around with her."

jihoo sighed in relief; he liked lea—she's a good kid—and didn't want to fire her. "keep working," he said as he disappeared to the back.

"lea, huh?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow as he took a sip of his milk tea.

"yup, that's me," lea answered. "do i get to know your name?"

"what's your talent?" the man asked.

"huh? didn't you hear me? what's your name?"

"talent first. show me."

lea scoffed, but then she scratched her head. talent? what talent? i can't even microwave popcorn correctly. "ah!" lea exclaimed happily. "i can fit 10 donut holes in my mouth."

the man laughed. "now this i gotta see."

"sit back, relax, and watch the master at work," said lea, as she placed a tray of glazed donut holes on the counter. "the cinnamon ones would be too messy," lea explained. "count for me.

"one. two. three. four. five. holy shit, your mouth is huge. six. seven. you got this. eight. nine. last one, i believe in you. ten... eleven! holy shit!"

lea leaned against the counter, her mouth full of squished donut holes. she took a moment, trying to chew it all and swallow it. she slammed her hand on the counter, a proud moment for her. "beat my record! yea boi!"

"yea boi?" the man asked.

"sorry, american meme."

"i have to say, im pretty impressed."

"do i get to know your name now?"

the man downed the last of his milk tea and placed the glass on the counter. he reached into his pocket and left his money on the countertop. "keep the change as your tip," he said cooly and turned to walk out.

"wait!" lea shouted after him, his hand already on the door handle. "you never even told me your name!"

"min yoongi," he responded, giving her one last gummy smile before exiting the shop.

"min yoongi," lea repeated to herself. "what a lovely name."

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