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"Hello?" he said out loud to the empty kitchen. He looked around, expecting a dirtier place. But boy, he would feel guilty to touch a napkin here. It was neat and designed good, with its bold colors it was enough to make someones jaw drop.

"Anybody there?" he called out, no one answered back. He looked around, wondering what he was supposed to do.


He quickly looked around, checking if someone was watching him, just in case. He opened every drawer, finding something useful and sharp. As he found the knives, he placed them carefully to his boots and under his pants. He could feel his breath getting heavier and his heartbeat increase. What was he doing? It was all too dangerous. What would happen if he got caught? Would they kill him? He was too young to die-well not really young but he was still young enough not to die early.

He closed the drawer, opening the fridge. Once they'd leave him alone, he was going to run away and hide. They were bunch of idiot in the end. He moved carefully so he wouldn't stab himself accidentally, opening the fridge and taking few thinks to eat. He ate them as fast as he could, taking the crimson colored apple that was left on top of the shelf.

As he was about to take a bite from the apple, he heard the foot steps coming closer. He quickly put it back, fixed his clothes and walked towards the stairs.

"Oh, there you are!" said the person. She had jet black short messy hair and with her lighting blue eyes she seemed familiar. "I've been looking for you. Did you eat?" she asked.

"Yes." he simply answered. As his stomach growled, he kept his straight face on acting as if nothing happened. He was maybe a prisoner in this ship but he still had his pride. Still.

"Well I'll take this as a no. Great thing that you didn't, because Captain Will is calling for you. He said he would like to eat together if you haven't." she walked closer to Nico and swept a piece of hair away from his eyes. "There you go. Now follow me, he is impatient when it comes to these kind of thins."

"These kind of things?" Nico mumbled to himself which turned out quiet loud. "It's nothing to worry about. He loves you." she said and walked up the stairs, leading them to the main deck. He skimmed trough the big metallic objects placed to the few of the parts. A blur raised from them which He realized that covered the whole area of the ship.

"They are for making an imitation atmosphere. Basically works the same as an atmosphere would. Amazing isn't it? The only thing Valdez can't fix are those. Should see the way he looks at those stuff." she let out a laugh and kept walking. They stopped in front of a door. Nico felt the cold trough his skin even with the his new clothes. He should have gotten that jacket Jason recommended.

Thalia knocked the door receiving a "come in" in return. She touched to the door with a key just like Will did earlier and the door opened. Thalia gestured Nico to get in and closed the door back behind him when he did. Nico looked around. It was different from what he imagined a Captain's cabinet would look like. The room had a big window door separating the balcony that must be showing all the stars outside. It was be seriously big. There was this huge black bed with sofa in front of it. A small wardrobe, a door closed, a part which seemed like a working place?..It was clearly different from what he imagined. It was designed in black, gold and crimson red, showing the room dark and dangerous. He followed the rose petals on the ground, leading him to the balcony. A table for two with candles would make any girl happy. Those golden candles and blue fires, the smell of the meat, the glory of the wine bottle. But for him, the man that waited next to the table was more magnificent. The thin shirt showing his muscles, the wind touching his hair slowly, his blue eyes fixing on Nico's eyes.

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