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Nico looked up as he saw the pirates walk past him. He looked at them, adoring and envying their life. They were free. Oh, how he envied them. Their looks..The way they traveled among the worlds.. They were the chosen ones. Even though they had a great and luxurious life among the other people, they had to put their life at risk. They were supposed to fight the ones that went against coterie rules, check the communities peace, and sometimes, they would do exciting things. Nico heard that from his Father Hedge when he used to be little.

"They go to other worlds, to discover new places.. To find valuable things.. Thats why they don't really have a name. Because they are free. They have more than one name.. My father used to tell me tales about them. He said that they would find the most precious things and own them. They were free..Young.. They are different, even now. Once, son, when your father was the same age as you, I was a fisherman. I would wait next to my barb, at the harbor, just to see them arrive. Their ship is much more bigger than a Megalodon .. It is made of gold and diamonds, but as black as a shadow. They travel trough unknown lands...Oh, my dear son, how I wish they were good. No matter how free and amazing they are, they can set the world on fire and watch it burn, just to get the thing that is precious to them..."

As he was looking at the Pirates, one of them turned his head to him. Nico shivered as the man with gold hair and a handsome face looked at him. Nico could feel as the man was looking at him,he was trying to decide something. He felt scared and happy in a way. He was happy to gain someone so amazing's attention. He turned his gaze to somewhere else, pretending not to realize him. But he was getting more excited as the man kept staring at him.

Maybe they saw potential on him. Maybe they were looking at someone that was probably behind Nico. Nico felt his cheeks on fire and took the fish box which of course was full of fish. He swept away the hair that was on his sight and turned his back to the man and others, walking next to his father. His father was the King of that little place. He never felt like an upper-class person. Maybe because it was the 23rd century.. He did the housework, he cooked, he helped his father with his job. He would sometimes go and help the daughter of the dairyman, Hazel. She was a nice person, and Nico loved helping her or talking with her even if it was about stupid little things.

He opened the door with his foot, and entered the house, that was like the other houses. It was rude to show off with money. Everyone was same for the King, so he was living like the other people, even got a job due to that, even though they were rich,like really rich. Nico put down the fish box, covering it with a blanket. He took his clean skinny black pants and a black t-shirt that was too big for him. He wore his shoes and took the red apple that was screaming to be eaten. He ran to the village as he took a bite from the apple, laughing at his own fun. He was going to meet Leo.

He was way too excited to meet him because he hadn't seen him for 3 months since his friend got an offer to join the Pirates. Leo, of course, didn't turn back the offer, who could? He rushed to Leo's house. Esperanza was playing with the little kids, singing a song. Nico asked her if Leo was there, but sadly he wasn't. She told that his son was there a minute ago, then went to the port to meet Nico. Nico laughed and thanked her, too excited to meet his friend. They got trough lots of things together.. They even saved the village once, and got kidnapped in women clothes once, too.. It was really dramatic. So, yeah. Leo was basically Nico's best friend, while Nico was Leo's best friend. He ran to the port.

In his way to the port, he accidentally bumped into a man, not realizing he was one of the crews of the Pirates. Nico said a little sorry and kept running as fast as he could. He saw Leo, smiling to him as Nico was running to him. Nico didn't stop running and they fell to the sea. Nico was pushing and yelling at Leo for not writing him any letters, while Leo was laughing and splashing water to Nico's face. They both climbed back, knowing they had too much to talk about.

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