Chapter 4: Sydney the Drama Queen

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Kiran's POV

   The next morning, I woke up on the floor. I slowly glanced up to see Jamie and Alden passed out on the small couch in my room and Ara sleeping in my bed. I groaned as I slowly got up and headed towards the bathroom.

I glanced at myself in the mirror and sighed. I looked like poop, even though I didn't drink. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and grabbed a brush, getting the tangled knots out of my hair.

I suddenly remembered getting Jamie, Alden, and Ara in my room after the nightclub. I had to keep a watch on all of them since they had been drunk. I guessed that we had all crashed in my room after the long and exhausting night.

I dreaded them waking up. They'd probably all start complaining about headaches or something. I was just glad to see that there was no vomit on the floor. I walked back into the main room and studied Ara's profile. Her small nose and pink lips, her silky brown hair cascading over the pillows of my bed. Small freckles dotted the parts of her nose and upper cheeks. I loved how she slept, so peacefully and quietly. I shook my head as she shifted and slowly opened her eyes slowly.

I quickly turned my head so It was less obvious that I was watching her. "Good morning." I turned to look at her.

I blushed and kept thinking that she knew that I had been watching her. "How are you feeling?"

She groaned and looked around the room. "I feel like I hit my head. What happened last night?"

"It's a long story," I said, not wanting to tell her.

"What time is it?"

"10: 37."


I looked over at Jamie and Alden. They were still fast asleep, Alden's snoring ruining the quiet.

Suddenly the door opened and in came a girl with long blonde hair, dressed just like Heather McNamara from Heathers: The Musical.

"Ara! Where were you last night? I was looking all over for you."

"How did you know she was here," I asked, worried.

"Jaxon, he mentioned Ara at the nightclub with you."

"Oh. So, Hailey, you're Ara's new roommate?" I asked.

"Actually, she's my new roommate, more like," Hailey said. Hailey Summers and I used to be good friends, especially during the summertime, ironically. Our families were close, neighbors. So we would often see each other at each others' cabins. But after a while, Hailey stopped coming because she wanted to be with the other girls like Sydney. She became your typical mean girl, though she could be rather nice at times.

Ara looked up, "Who's Jaxon?"

"The football player you danced with last night, he is also a 'player'. "

"Woah. I really can pick them, can't I?" Ara said, and rolled her eyes.

"You are in big trouble, Ara," Hailey told her. "Our dorm monitor noticed you were gone last night without telling her. She wants to know where you were."

"Leave it to Martha to ruin the fun," Ara said sarcastically. "Tell her I was visiting my grandma or something. She's sick, so that's believable."

"Okay, but you're coming with me." She walked over to Ara, pulled her arm and led her out the door.

When they were gone, I noticed Jamie looking up at me.

"W-what happened?" He asked.

"You guys went to the nightclub!" I snapped.

"Oh, now I remember," Jamie said, grinning like an idiot. "That was fun."

"No," I said, "You were drunk. What were you even doing there?"

He scrunched up his face trying to remember. It took him a moment. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. Finally, he said, "I was dancing with Devon."

I groaned and shook my head. "Seriously?!"

My tone seemed to amuse Jamie.

"Get up, go back to your dorm and clean yourself up. You to Alden." I walked over and shook Alden by the shoulders.


Later that day, Jamie, Alden and I met up in the library to do some of our calculus homework.

"Hey, dude, what's the answer to question 21?" Alden asked me.

"Not telling you," I replied smiling. Calculus was my best subject, chemistry was my worst...

"Please...?" Alden whined showing me his puppy dog eyes.

"Nope," I said popping the p.

I looked around the room to feel a cold hand on my shoulder and a cherry sweet voice rang out.

"Hi, baby."

I turned around to see Sydney smiling down at me, her friends pulled up chairs and sat around the table. I went back to my work, making sure to stay turned away from her.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

She smiled sweetly at me. "That's no way to talk to the Homecoming Queen. You're being my escort to the Spring Formal"

"Like I said before, the answer is still no," I replied.

"You can be Homecoming King." Sydney kissed my cheek.

"We all know he is obviously going to win without trying. You on the other hand..." I whipped around.

Ara stood behind Sydney smiling.

"So you're the one trying to steal my Kiran from me."

"He is not yours." She paused before adding, "And he's not mine either."

"Who are you?" Sydney asked. She looked like she had some sort of plan.

"Arabella. Anderson," she said awkwardly.

"Well, Arabella, I'm giving you one option: Join us, and live the dream, or don't and I make your life miserable," Sydney snapped.

"Can I talk to Ara for a second?" I asked.

"Two minutes tops," Sydney said.

I got up and brought Ara around the corner, between two of the bookshelves.

"Ara. You need to think about this. Hard. I've seen what she can do, and, believe me, it is not pretty. You don't join her, and you become a nobody. Think about it," I explained to her.

"There's no way I'm going to side with that.... Makeup maniac!" Ara said a little too loudly, the librarian shushed her. "Sorry."

"I'm warning you, Ara."

"You're kidding me right. You want me to join her?"

"You don't know what she can do."

"I don't care, I've handled worse believe me." Ara walked away and up to Sydney.

"Did you make your decision?" Sydney smirked.

"Go right ahead make my life as miserable as it can be, but I would rather die instead of joining you," Ara stated.

"Wish granted." Sydney huffed, she stalked away with her friends, and out of the library.

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