Chapter 1: The New Girl

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Kiran's POV

It's funny how things change so quickly. One minute, you think you've got your life all figured out, the next , it's entirely different.

    "Kiran!"  Jamie knocked on my dorm door at Grand Ridge Boarding School. I opened the door to find very untidy looking Jamie Adams. His brown hair stuck out in every possible direction, his grey catagon was unbuttoned, white collar flipped up, and his black and white plaid tie hung around his neck.

    I smirked. "What in the world happened to you?"

    "Oh, right," Jamie said. "I was in a hurry. Anyway, I came here to tell you that there's a new kid."

    "Oh, really?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

    "Yeah, her name'sー"

    "Wait," I said. "Her?"

   Jamie nodded, and I rolled my eyes. I hated being around girls. They would always try to flirt with me because of my blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and square jaw. I was sick of it.

   "Jamie, you know I don't like girls," I said, shuddering. "They're always chasing me around school."

   "It's because you're so darn good looking," Jamie commented, while grinning one of his big, goofy grins. "Now, as I was saying, her name is Arabella Anderson. She doesn't seem like much of a flirt. She seems really nice."

   I snorted. "Yeah, that's what Sydney Auburn was like right before she tried to sweep me off my feet."

   "Oh, go on, Kiran. At least talk to her," Jamie pleaded.

   "Forget it. I'm not going to talk to another girl like Sydney" I said, stubbornly.

   "Please?" Jamie whimpered. He sounded like a little boy begging his parents for candy in a candy store.

   "Fine," I gave in, "but not right now. I have English in ten minutes."

   "Thank you!" Jamie turned to leave, but I had a thought.

   "Hold it," I said, I reached out and pulled him back. "Why are you so excited about this?"

   "Oh, um..." he said, hesitantly, "gotta go." And with that, he was gone.

   I changed into my own uniform, and grabbed my bag. The hallways were packed with people, as usual. A few girls were talking near the mandala art on the wall before they spotted me. Damn it. They rushed over in my direction and I turned away.

    "Ladies, I have English. No time to talk," I said, keeping my head down.

"Kiran!" One squealed, trying to grab my hand.

I turned around, my ears red, "I have had enough! Stop following me!"

  I shook my head and stomped off to room 109. I turned the corner and pushed the door open, quickly shutting it after me. I sat down in my seat beside a girl that I had never seen before.

  Luckily she didn't come towards me and try hugging me or anything like that. Her eyes were a soft brown color and she had long, curly dark brown hair, and streaks of blonde brushed the ends. She had freckles splattered across her face.

This must be the girl that Jamie was talking about. I hesitantly turned around and looked at her.

"Hi," I said, the girl looked up at me and half-smiled.

"Hello." She replied, I liked the sound of her voice. Not too overpowering, but a bit shy.

  "What's your name?" I asked.

"Arabella, but you can call me Ara. You?"


I smiled, and turned away just as the teacher and some more students walked into the class. So she did seem nice. And she wasn't completely boy crazy.

  The teacher walked up the the whiteboard just as the class settled in and started talking about the how to interpret the context in different readings. I glanced around class, completely distracted. I quickly turned to look at Ara, she had her head bent down and was scribbling furiously in her notebook. I sighed, and turned back to my notes. I doodled in the margins and sketched out a mini football.

   As soon as I was done, class was dismissed. I slowly stood up and stuffed my notebook and pencils into my backpack. Just as Ara was about to leave, I stopped her.

   "Hey, would you mind stopping by at my dorm tonight? It's dorm 133. And please don't tell anyone. I've already had to switch dorm rooms twice." I said.

   "Oh--uh," she said. Her face showed curiosity, but she hid it well.

   "Oh, sorry, that sounded flirty. No, I just wanted to get to know you. Because you're new and all," I said, blushing a bit. "Just between you and me, my friend wanted me to talk to you anyway. I'm tired of all the rest of the girls in this school stalking me." I gave her a big smile and walked out the door. Before entering the hallway of my dorm, I checked to make sure no one was watching or following me.

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