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Song: Meghan Trainor, like I'm gonna lose you.

Briana's P.O.V.

Unknown number: I hope you're feeling better, I'll come over later to say goodbye😉

What the heck? Who was that?

I starred at my phone and then decided this person back.

Briana: Who are you? I send it and waited for his or her response. I waited for two seconds and lifted my head and looked at Blake which was starring at Amelia. I smiled then opened the chat between me and Blake on What's App to text him.
Briana: You can change your statues in: In love with just Amelia😂😂

I send it biting my tongue. I looked at him from the side of my eye taking his phone out from his pocket and reading the message I sent.

I couldn't help but chuckle as he became a tomato. He pinched a side from my stomach making me jump.

Ouch! That hurt.

Blake then ignored me and kept his eyes on his phone tapping on it. I then looked back on my phone and saw that the unknown number texted me.

Unknown number: On my way. Be patient and no worries😉

What? This makes it more creepier. Should I tell Blake about it?
I don't think so, I guess I'll wait then.

"Blake when are we going?" I asked Blake shaking his shoulder.

"At least one hour" He answered looking at his watch.

"Let's go out for an half of hour, we can walk around the neighborhood" I suggested.

"Good idea" Amelia suddenly jumped and looked at me. I smiled awkwardly.

Actually I was asking Blake, but no problem.

"Strawberry we can't. Remember what the doctor said" Blake looked at me giving me a sad smile.

You should stay in bed and don't move that much so much so it doesn't get worse. The doctors advice popped in my mind.

"But I want to" I yawned.

"But it's going to get worse" Blake protested rubbing my knee. I looked sadly at Amelia which was starring at Blake.

"But it's our last hour together, c'mon pleeeeaasse" she started batted her eyelashes a few times.

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