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The bell rings! I sit still, not wanting to move, pretending I'm not alive, pretending I'm somewhat invisible.

Everyone in my class jump up from their seats, but not me, no, I'm unwilling to depart from my seat.

You're probably wondering why I'm not jumping around like an energetic child, well, let me tell you.

My name's Haillie Farm and the 14th of June 1997 begun like any normal school day. However things seemed to change towards the end of the day.

My friends and I found it highly amusing to pass notes around the room, we never believed that it could get us into trouble or lead to anything too serious.

My best friend Molly Connolly, a blue eyed and brown haired girl wrote my address onto a sticky note and passed it to Miranda, a girl I have a large amount of hatred towards.

On the way home from school I saw Miranda stick the note on the side of a bus, all I heard was a vicious laugh. However I thought nothing of it.

I finally arrived upon the street in which my house was placed. I strolled towards my front door. My heart sunk! My face dropped! I looked directly at the door and for some unknown reason it seemed to be open.

I slowly walked into my house. I walked through every room to realise that they had all been destroyed, my home had been destroyed.

I walked into the kitchen, the only room I hadn't been in. I stepped towards the counter and grabbed the phone, in the act I found my Dad slumped in a corner, blood all over him, eyes slowly fading, my heart stopped.

I ran to his side, my heart started racing, I tried to stay calm. He had stopped breathing! No pulse! No movement! Nothing! Tears streamed down my face, I could no longer think, my mind was mashed.

A month later I attended my Dad's funeral, I broke down inside without breaking to the point of allowing people to see.

I'm sitting in my seat still and I blame myself for the death of my Dad.

Since my Dad's death I have spent each and every break time inside, locked away like an animal.

But today I decided to go outside and socialise or at least try to. Molly came running over to me, she asked whether I was okay, I gave a simple nod.

But then Miranda looked at me, she smirked, my mind stopped, anger! Rage! It all entered my body! I sprinted towards Miranda and started to punch her, I screamed. Then I stopped. I slumped myself to the floor with tears rolling down my face.

Miranda sat up and grabbed a hold of her nose, blood pouring from her hands. She slowly walked over to me. I told her to punch me, get her own back. But no, she hugged me and said sorry. Sorry for my loss and sorry for everything.

Well I'm getting better now, I've had some counciling and I seem to behave better around others.

However I still blame myself for my Dad's death. I miss him, I miss the silly voices, or the way he would squint at my test results.

My Dad's memories will forever live on and I will forever be to blame for the death and an innocent man who did nothing but cherish his only child.

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