My Name Is Alice McArt

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My name is Alice McArt and I'm a social outcast.

Locker doors bang shut and all you hear is the pitter patter of children running to class.

I walk the empty corridors of school, wishing I never attended, wishing I was invisible but most importantly wishing I was never born upon this judgmental planet.

If your eyebrows aren't on fleek, you're criticised and called a freak.

If your makeup isn't blended you're called and feel offended.

School is no longer about learning but more about setting trends and having friends, that's the only goal.

I was never popular, I was average, a girl with a small group of friends. I still didn't fit in.

I get along with males so well for all my female friends where pretty, wore skirts and spoke about makeup or the latest trends.

My name is Alice McArt and I'm a social outcast.

Sitting in the front of a class room with thirty pair of eyes constantly judging you.

Thirty mouths hissing vicious words towards you as you try to concentrate.

The bell rings! Feet scatter to yards and libraries. Not me though, I stroll, not wanting to be glared at.

Bam! Unsure of what is happening I lay lifeless on the floor. I'm drifting away slowly, I'm gone.

Months passed and my family still mourn my death.

Fellow students talk about how nice I was but truly they'll never know.

I'm watching over everyone realising that society is destroyed.

My life was taken but in the act so was a child's education.

A parents nightmare, seeing their child grow up behind bars but for my parents never again seeing their child.

My name is Alice McArt and I was a social outcast. My life was taken by a girl with insecurities and all it took was one punch.

My name is Alice McArt and my life is over.

Now the girl who viciously took my life has as much hatred as I once did.

Her name is Ellie-Mae and she took her life two days after my death.

Now two families mourn the death of their beloved daughter's.

Death, an unpleasant subject filled with heart ache.

But I should thank Ellie-Mae for she took me off this judgemental planet.

My family see Ellie-Mae as a murderer who caused severe heart break but to me she was my saviour.

She took me off this planet and stopped the glaring, hissing and hatred.

I was no longer society's biggest mistake

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