Chapter 8: Mysteries 1.3

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Author's Point of View

Another stressful morning came, you couldn't remember much from the events of last night. You felt like you wanted to stay at home today, but Chris wouldn't let you of course. Washing your face, you looked at your weary reflection. After cleansing your face, you pressed your soft towel to it, upon doing so the little droplets of water left in your face can be collected by the dry towel.

After that you saw Chris waiting on the doorway to fetch you, you walked quietly along the familiar halls as Chris was walking beside you. Once you reached the dining room, you sat down while one of your maids placed your breakfast in front of you and, Chris stood beside you in silence.

You began eating as the maid excused herself and left. Eating quietly was rather boring, but you were already used to it. Ever since your parents left you were always eating alone, you tried to persuade Chris to eat with you, but you always got the same reason which is, 'Pardon Mistress, but as a servant I cannot eat with someone that's higher than me.' The boredom lead you to think what was Khalil doing in this morning. Since he goes to the same school as you, he also takes the ride with you to go there.

It was still early though and you didn't expect him to get up this early in the morning so you assumed that he was still asleep. As you prepared yourself to put the spoon in your mouth once again, the kitchen door opened and revealed Tia, one of your maids. She quickly excused herself and asked if you would mind if she can talk to Chris privately, which she earned a simple 'not at all' from you. They walked away without speaking any word, but as strange as it is, you could sense that Tia was worried about something, on your peripheral vision you saw that they picked a spot not too far from yours, so you placed your utensils down so it can't create more noise, and listened to their conversation.

You hoped that this matter was not one of your butlers burning another curtain, but thankfully that wasn't the issue. You remained silent listening quietly to the following conversation:

"We have a problem, Chris."

"What is the matter? Hopefully Liam did not burn one anything did he?"

"No! That's not the case!"

"Then what is?"

"Two of our butlers went missing last week; their names were Ray and Edmund. We thought that they were just slacking but we can't find them anywhere. Then we jumped to the conclusion that they ran away, but their clothes and all their other belongings weren't moved! It's as they left it!"

"Where could they possibly be? Anyway we'll just hire another, besides those two didn't do nothing but fantasize and daydream about Mistress. Just let them be."

"I didn't feel like telling the Mistress, neither did the other staffs, because she'd been gone through an awful lot lately. And we didn't want her to be stressed out even more."

"Indeed, she has. Now please tell Mr. Rodgers to go and get the car ready, I still have to help Mistress' morning routine."

Once they were done talking, you pretended to swallow a spoonful of your breakfast. As Chris stood next to you, you asked;

"What was that about?" You stopped eating and looked straightly at the end of the table.

"It was nothing, Milady." As expected, Chris didn't tell you what was their topic. You didn't know why though, but it was really frustrating news that two of your butlers went missing. What would you say to their families?

You set that matter aside for now and kept eating until your food was done. After that Chris lead you to the bathroom for you to bathe. You removed your clothes and stepped into the tub, after a while you felt Chris washing your back along with your hair. Hugging your knees to your chest, you contemplated about how your life was going.

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